So as many of you know I have always LONGED to be a stay at home mom. However I love working with kids and it is hard to find the right fit when you have a toddler yourself. We enrolled JH in the Little Friends Preschool at our church in Indy and are thrilled about him going. However through the grapevine I heard they had an opening for a 3 year old Preschool Teacher (this is not JH class because in Indy the cut off is June 1). So I interviewed for the position on Thrusday and they called on Friday and said I had the job!
I am excited about this new journey.... It is 2 days a week from 9-2 of course JH will be going with me. I will be the head teacher, and let me just say my creative juices are flowing! I am anxious to get my curriculum and get my lesson plans started. School does not start until September but I have many thoughts brewing....
Eric is super excited as well... he is pumped that it will be an outlet for my creativity, the money won't hurt, and it will be a great way to meet new people! Did I mention there is a Christmas program.... WHOA NELLY! Just wait!
So the White Family would once again appreciate your prayers as we embark on this journey...
How fun Kendra, you will be great!
Perfect fit!!! You will love it and they (kids and parents) will love you!!!
You will be an amazing teacher! I am excited to see all the projects your little ones creats....and I can't wait to see the costumes/set for the Christmas play....ticket prices will be going up. Love ya.
Wow, Kendra, that is so much fun! You'll be great!
I think you're going to have a ball with that! Good luck :)
KENDRA! Congrats on the new job! You will do so well and have so much fun with that! Will be praying for you! Oh, and I am so happy to help you out with your goal to become an aunt in the next 6 months before you turn 30 :)! Love you sis!
have a great time - wish Lainey bug could be in your class! would love to hear all about it!
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