Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snow Day

Well the first snow fall has happened and we enjoyed it to the fullest. Along with Gigi and Grandad coming, they brought an EXCELLENT book. Frosty the Snowman. Which was perfect for the first snow fall. You can buy it at Hallmark, but the coolest part is you can record your own voice reading it your children (or grandchildren in this matter) John Hunter loves it, and Eric and i do too! Dad does such a great job reading it... what a fun treat!

We also got play a lot in the snow. John Hunter wanted to shovel off the back deck, so while he was doing that, I cleaned the kitchen. Here is where I found him... oh MY WORD!

Also, we went to some friends house and they built a snow slide. There was lots of fun and snowfall fights which happens where there are three boys and two dads! IT was a blast!

One more side note... I have not been feeling too well. Sinus or upper respiratory infection, I have no idea, but today I needed a nap despartely. So while I was napping John Hunter decided to clean his room. And he even hung up his clothes. It was precious and he did such a good job! I was SOOOOOO proud. He is becoming quite the helper!

OOOPS.. another side note. Eric dropped us off for church this morning to park the car, and while JH and I were walking he said, "mom, I gotta tell you something strange. My ears have been hurting for a couple of days, and they hurt really bad". Poor guy. We had our second set of tubes put in and we have had 3 infections since then. Please say a little prayer that his ears are healed and this is behind us!

1 comment:

Mama Smors said...

sad! can't believe jh is still having those crummy ear infections. poor guy! hope this round of meds kicks it.