So I know it has been over a COUPLE of months since the last time I posted, but our lives have been crazy. Here is a quick list of some things we have going on
1. We remodeled our entire downstairs. Ripped up carpets and vinyl, and installed ceramic tile and hardwood. When I say we I mean my mom and dad did most of it. It looks beautiful and when it is all back together I will take lots of pics
2. My parents painted the dining room and hallway
3. We had painters come in and paint the two-story foyer
4. Eric and I took a quick trip to Easton, OH just the two of us that was awesome.
5. I spent a night at the local hospital for dehydration
6. John Hunter was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and has been a very sick little boy. But we are home now and he is resting and recuperating.
7. I have been very sick, throwing up on a daily basis for this very reason.

We could not be more thrilled. I am 12 weeks today and it was such a treat to have my momma go to my appointment with me. We heard the baby's heart rate and 163 and we are so blessed. So when I start to feel better, or maybe in September when the baby arrives John Hunter will be able to wear this cute shirt.

But until then please pray for our family. I have been so sick and now have a pump inserted into my stomach giving me reglan on a 24/7 basis. It has been so hard to be sick, tired, and worn out, and yet life go on around us. But I know the result will be worth the pain. And now I promise to be a better blogger. Or so I hope!