Yesterday was Eric and I's 4th anniversary. It was by far my favorite and we did nothing too exciting. We each worked. Went to church for all worship, them came home and ordered chineese. I told some friends that as I thought about my wedding I can honestly say I love Eric more today than I did on the day we got married. He is a wonderful man who takes care of me in so many ways. He is an awesome father and John Hunter is so proud to call him dad!
Eric's mom "Nana" is coming in tomorrow for a weekend visit. We are super excited and I know she is as well. She is really looking forward to some John Hunter and Nana time. So in preparation for her arrival John Hunter and I are making a cake. Here are some pics of the little buddy at work.

That is about all we are up too... minus the 5 load of laundry that await me (and yes Britney I am going to put them up as I finish each load)!