Saturday, January 21, 2012

EIGHT months to Kindergarten!

Its almost time for Kindergarten. That's right, my sweet baby boy is getting ready to go to Kindergarten this fall and his momma is in disbelief.

I dont have any regret about doing more with him, or spending more time with him, but I am scared out of my mind if he is ready. Who will be there if no one is there to play with him? Will he be brave and courageous in all he does? Will he be willing to try new things, will he make new friends, but most importantly will he miss me? Because as sure as I live and breath I know I will miss him.

We switched John Hunter to a new school this year and I could not have been more please. He is thriving there much more so if we had left him at this old school. And we LOVE Mrs. Stewart and Miss Abby. They do so many fun things there, like the pinterest project you see posted above.

I have found myself worried sick about this kindergarten thing, but I am reminded about the verse in Matthew that asks if worrying will add one minute to your life. So instead of worrying about that sweet, kind, funny, and fun loving boy, my boy, going to Kindergarten, I am just going to pray for him. For his teachers, his classmates the administration at the school, and everything else I can think of. Sweet Jesus hold my sweet boy as we enter into a new phase of parenthood. Hold him close and his momma too!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Years Eve

I was super excited to kick of 2012 this year. A fresh new start and see what God has in store for our little family. We celebrated with our life group and had a murder mystery. It was super fun. Eric was a golfer and I was a chef. Neither of us were the murders but we had a good time trying to solve the mystery. Actually eric was REALLY into it. And he solved it correctly.

Here are a few pictures from a great time, with great friends, and cheers to a great new year!

Miss America

Let's be honest what little girl does not want to grow up and be Miss America. I have fond memories of always watching the show and even pretending I was Miss America. I have no desire to push Lynley to be Miss America but she can do whatever she wants and her dad and I will support her 100% however I can totally see him being a little hesitant on the pageant circle.

Anywhoooo.... today I woke up and said to Eric. A dream comes true today! I am gonna sit and watch the Miss America pageant with MY LITTLE GIRL! I know it will be the first of many to come, but for me tonight is special. As she sits in her rocker I am praying over her sweet life. prayers that God will use her no matter what she does. I am reminded of the popular movie "The Help" where Mae Mobley is told... you is kind, you is smart, and you is important. A great message girls need to hear, but when i say that line to Lynley I add the line and JESUS LOVES YOU! Oh sweet baby girl I love you so much, you will never have to earn our love and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!

** The above picture was taken on New Years Eve this year. It is me, lynley and Katie (Stam) Irk, Miss America 2009! At least I know we have surrounded Lynley with good and Godly role models!

Feed My Starving Children

This is the second time we have gone to Minnesota and volunteered at Feed My Starving Children. It is a ministry that packs food for the less fortunate all across the world. I love this ministry because the WHOLE family can get involved. John Hunter is still talking about packing food for the people in Haiti. Eric and I love it too because as a family we were able to serve and teach our children about serving. If you ever get a chance to be apart of this ministry do not hesistate... do it! It you would like more information check out there website here.

In the mean time here are some pics of our family at Feed My Starving Children!

So far behind..

I am so far behind in the blogging world it kinda makes me sad. I really want to be better, and i am going to so for now i am gonna to a quick christmas post...

we celebrate christmas with my parents the weekend before the 25th and it was wonderful, a great time that will forever be remember.

we headed to Minnesota the tuesday before christmas. Eric, me, John Hunter, Lynley and BOTH dogs. What were we thinking. The kids did great and the dogs did wonderful. I could have been because we stuffed benedryl in combos and let them chow away... the dogs not the children.

this was the first time in over 8 years that all over erics siblings have celebrated Christmas together. I was the only in law then, and now there are 3 of us and 3 grandkids. Its a mad house to say the least, but we had a great time. There was no snow which was sad, but a fun time was had by all. I have to say one of our favortie memories would have to be taking the kids to the mall of america. We rode roller coasters with JH and bought Lynley her first American girl doll. Eric and I had a blast. Another speical moment was spending time with Erics grandparents who are still with us, but health is failing. We had a great time! It was a merry christmas and as always we aimed to keep Christ the reason for the season!