The best part of the WHOLE weekend was that daddy made it home safe and sound. On Thursday my girlfriends Estelle and Whitney and their children Benjamin, Caroline, Turner and Layni, all came in town for Slumber party. We had such a good time. John Hunter had fun in the bath with the girls... I thought it was so cute watching him.
On Friday we went to the Pumpkin patch and had a big time.
The big boys went down the slide, and we all went to the petting zoo and John Hunter HATED the sheep... it BAAAAed at him! Then we all took a Hay Ride which was great fun.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Weekend Fun
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Update on the Hole
Fear not friends... the hole is fixed. Or should I say currently being fixed:) Eric knows and is glad I am ok. So all is well in the White House! Slumber Party 07' starts tonight. I will update with photos and stories later!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Day it all fell in
So today I was trying to be such the good wife. I was going to clean the attic out. Now it was a little self driven because I wanted to get out some pumpkin decorations to start decorating for fall. I had all the attic done when it happened.

You see we only put flooring on part of our attic. So there was box over the blown-in insulation. I went to move the last box and ..... i fell through the insulation and into the bathroom celing. My size 8 shoe (thankfully not my new ones) when through all the way up to my thigh. I honestly had no idea what to do... do I laugh or do I cry! So I did what anyone would do.... CALL MOM! She came running over and helped me get up. So with injury... except my wrist kinda hurts, I made it out ok.
Let's just say this kind of stuff ALWAYS happens when Eric is out of town. And unless he is reading this... he does not know! So we will see. Oh the Drywall man will be here sometime soon... hopefully before Eric gets home on FRIDAY!
Oh well... oh by the way John Hunter slept through the whole thing:)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hey Daddy
Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch and got some really cute photos. John Hunter rode the train and went on a wagon ride. It is a little hot (90 degrees) for pumpkin picking... but we did it anyway.
Last night we went to John Hunter's friend Hayden's house for dinner. It was so cute, John Hunter was eating in Hayden's seat dropping Cherreios on the floor, and Hayden was picking them up and snacking.
This morning we took a trip to Cracker Barrell for breakfast with Gigi and Grandad. (yes for those of you who take notice... John Hunter only wore a onesie out in public:() And we FINALLY got the birthday invites done... PRAISE THE LORD! Hope you enjoy the photos daddy! We love you and will talk to you soon!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Weekend Fun
What a fun weekend we had. Saturday we went to the Sportsman club with the church and had loads of fun. Eric got John Hunter ready as you can see from the photos with his camo shorts, shox, and mohawk:) However he did look pretty cute. Eric got to shoot an M-16, I shot a gun, Grandad shot a gun, and low and behold.... Gigi shot a gun as well. Although everyone seemed to be scared when she had the gun (if you want the full story ask Eric). At the picnic John Hunter won his first fishing pole as you can see he was super excited.
After the picnic we went to a cook out at some friends house and John Hunter cheered the Cats onto another VICTORY! He got much attention from all the girls there and found a little girlfriend named Elizabeth who was sporting her UK Cheerleading outfit! At the cookout little buddy was introduced to a whole new food group... artichokes, spinach, and duck. To say the least he loved it all!
Today we are getting ready to take daddy to the airport and then we are going to take some photos with the pumpkins for our birthday invitation. We will post those photos when we get home!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New Photos

So I wanted to add some new photos of John Hunter today.... these are pretty current the start of football season. The little man has added 2 more words to his vocabulary! "Ouch" and "Tye Tye". It is so cute to hear this little guys say words. It is hard to think that only one year ago we were on a countdown to his big arrival!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Welcome to our world
Well I have offically decided to start a blog to keep our friends and family in touch. And also to keep daddy in the loop when he goes out of town next week.
We had a great weekend Eric and I went to UK/ UofL game and it was well worth it! GO CATS! Sunday we watched football as a family. John Hunter can now do the sign for Touchdown, which is so cute! He can't say "mama", but knows his football!
Today we went to the ENT to look at John Hunter's ears for a recheck. There is still blood blocking the tube on his left ear so we are going to try a sweet oil treatment. Please continue to pray for him.
We hope everyone enjoys this blog... check back soon to see life at the White House! We will add pictures soon!
We had a great weekend Eric and I went to UK/ UofL game and it was well worth it! GO CATS! Sunday we watched football as a family. John Hunter can now do the sign for Touchdown, which is so cute! He can't say "mama", but knows his football!
Today we went to the ENT to look at John Hunter's ears for a recheck. There is still blood blocking the tube on his left ear so we are going to try a sweet oil treatment. Please continue to pray for him.
We hope everyone enjoys this blog... check back soon to see life at the White House! We will add pictures soon!
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