Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dots and Doodlebugs Open House

The Open House is only a few days away. You would not think it was going to be here... but it is. My house is turned upside down. I mean I have things strung everywhere. Oh well... Angie, Courtney and I are getting ready. I want to take the last opportunity for everyone who is around town to come by. Just for treats and a visit. We do have some fun stuff.

Here are a few more pics... there are cute, but let me promise you there are WAY cuter things to be displayed!
PS... If you are not able to make it but would like to order something, please feel free to email me at

Have a great Day!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your stuff is super cute. You may want to check your website because the word 'monogrammed" is spelled wrong on the lefthand copy. It's just missing the second "o" - not a big deal but something worth fixing if it's an easy fix. The mono t with the ball fringe is adorable.