Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I love this man....

I just had to tell you all how much I love this man.

I realized that last night when I could not sleep because he was out of town for work. I hate it when he is gone and I know he hates it even more.... He is such a hard worker and provider for John Hunter and I and we would be lost without him. He makes me laugh (and cry). And knows how to reason, think logically and be the calm in the storm. He is exactly what I wanted in a husband and he could not be a better father to our son. Hurry home daddy we miss you!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thanks and Love

We wanted to give a few shout out to some people for some new toys that John Hunter was given. One shout out goes to Gigi and Granddad for this new bike. It is one to grow into, and I don't know who loves it more, John Hunter or Gigi. They have been on walks every morning this week. She loves to push him around the neighborhood and go look at the horses. His feet aren't quite long enough to peddle, but next year he will be off.
The second shout out goes to Dr. Greg and Mrs. Anna... they went through all of Charile and Conner's toys and were pergeing. We reaped the benefits of it (as did Hayden :)... I have to say it is a toss up between this race car track and a Thomas the tank lap top as to which is our favorite... but we do love all the toys! Thanks again!
Last night we went to the wedding of Shellie and Brian. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was so glad we were able to go. The reception was beautiful and in the Embry's backyard. It was hot.. but the mint juilps were excellent (non-achoholic of course). And the cake was super cute! Here is Shellie dancing with her dad after the Louisville trolley dropped the wedding party off at her house.

There was a litle play house that John Hunter loved playing on because it kept him very entertained while we waited for the festivites to begin. He was a trooper and was quickly getting tried... but not too tried to cut a rug on the dance floor! After much fun a tired John Hunter said goodbye to the happy couple. We wish Shellie and Brian only the best. We are certain the LORD is going to bless them in countless ways... we love you guys!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This week has been semi crazy, but I am learning that with a one year old... what week is not. Tuesday John Hunter had school snack and I could not just take something prepackaged...??? So I was off to do some research.

I took in some Strawberry mice. There were a huge hit. The ryhme of the day was "Hickory Dickory Dock"... perfect for little mice. I was hating myself to make 25 of these, but they were a hit, and were super cute!

We have no big plans for the rest of the week other than we want to get new recliners and my college roommate Shellie is getting married in Louisville. I am super excited for her and wish her and Brian only the best! I promise to take lots of pics of the blushing bride..
I do have one funny John Hunter story... we just go some new CD's for him to listen to. There are over 120 Bible songs... and you know how much I love a Bible song. I knew that Eric was loving me this morning as I was singing the Happy Day Express at the top of my lungs. John Hunter has taken a liking to "Give me Oil in my Lamp". When I yeall Hallauejah he says "LOU YA" and then does a hop. I may be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I will try to capture it for you all!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We are alive part TWO

So after our trip to North Carolina time seemed to keep getting away from me. I can't really recall why, but some how it did. We had a wonderful 4th of July and celebrated with my parents. Eric and dad grilled out and then we loaded up and went to the Lexington Legends game. John Hunter loved it, he had no idea he was not at a big league game. In my opinion he was the cutest kid on the jumbo-tron.
After the game we came back home and watched the fireworks around our neighborhood. Seriously if you ever want to watch fireworks and not go anywhere come to our neighborhood... these people are nuts. John Hunter loved every minitue of it and so did Eric and I.

The highlight of the Legends game for JH may have been the free safety helmet they passed out for the kids. He loves it. To be honest we have to hide it so he does not wear it all the time:) The thinks he is riding a real "bo" which means bike like Granddad and Gigi's. No one tell him he is not... mommy's heart with not be able to handle her baby on a motorcycle:)

At the beginning of the summer Eric and I decided to start on some home improvement. Wow I hate it. He loves it... isn't that how it goes. So we have finished our fence... which was AWESOME. Tye (the dog) loves the backyard being fenced in, and now we want another dog. So we marked that off the list. The second project we marked off was the bathroom door. We were told by the builder (AKA my dad) NOT to put in a pocket door from our master bedroom to our bath, but we did not listen. Well for the past 6 months the pocket door has been broken, so we removed the door, put in a real door (YEAH) and added a door to our master closet. You can call my husband Handy Manny. All the plumbing has be checked and fixed. And with the exception of some broken floor tiles (oops!) in the kitchen all our home improvement will be done!

Then I want to start making our bonus/bedroom upstairs into a functional playroom/bedroom! Any thoughts or ideas let me know!
I promise I will get better at blogging... but until then Happy July! Oh PS... here is JH giving his best buddy Hayden "BumP" on our way home from the fair. I just love this picture:)

We are alive part ONE!

We are alive. I am so sorry I have been such a bad blogger but somehow time has gotten away from me. It all started at the end of June when we met Eric's family in North Carolina to celebrate Eric's grandmother (Nana D's) 80th Birthday. We had a wonderful celebration of her life. John Hunter was wonderful and enjoyed time with his great grandparents, Nana and Big Daddy, a host of aunts and uncles, and his cousin Kylie who he affectionaly referred to as "Ba Ba".

One of the high lights of our trip was to ride on Papa's train. John Hunter has ridden it before, but somehow at the age of 21 months is was so much cooler. He just kept swinging his arms and saying "Choo Choo." I also have to give a shout out to my mom who helped me make JH's outfit for the train ride:) Thanks Gigi!

Here is a picture of the four generations.... for those of you who don't know... Papa's name is John Hunter White... hence where we got our name:)

The party was a hit, and there is no doubt that Nana D felt super loved. And I did love spending time with Sarah.... isn't she beautiful???

Nana has poured herself into her family!I can only hope that when Eric and I are celebrating my 80th b-day we are this much in love!

Here is Nana teaching John Hunter a little song on the Piano... and he LOVED IT!
Happy Birthday Nana D... we love you!