We wanted to give a few shout out to some people for some new toys that John Hunter was given. One shout out goes to Gigi and Granddad for this new bike. It is one to grow into, and I don't know who loves it more, John Hunter or Gigi. They have been on walks every morning this week. She loves to push him around the neighborhood and go look at the horses. His feet aren't quite long enough to peddle, but next year he will be off.

Last night we went to the wedding of Shellie and Brian. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was so glad we were able to go. The reception was beautiful and in the Embry's backyard. It was hot.. but the mint juilps were excellent (non-achoholic of course). And the cake was super cute!
Here is Shellie dancing with her dad after the Louisville trolley dropped the wedding party off at her house.

There was a litle play house that John Hunter loved playing on because it kept him very entertained while we waited for the festivites to begin.
He was a trooper and was quickly getting tried... but not too tried to cut a rug on the dance floor!
After much fun a tired John Hunter said goodbye to the happy couple. We wish Shellie and Brian only the best. We are certain the LORD is going to bless them in countless ways... we love you guys!

I am so excited for Shellie! That is awesome and she looks just classic. Please tell her congrats
we will plan on tomorrow afternoon~ i will call you before then :)
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