So after our trip to North Carolina time seemed to keep getting away from me. I can't really recall why, but some how it did. We had a wonderful 4th of July and celebrated with my parents. Eric and dad grilled out and then we loaded up and went to the Lexington Legends game. John Hunter loved it, he had no idea he was not at a big league game. In my opinion he was the cutest kid on the jumbo-tron.

After the game we came back home and watched the fireworks around our neighborhood. Seriously if you ever want to watch fireworks and not go anywhere come to our neighborhood... these people are nuts. John Hunter loved every minitue of it and so did Eric and I.

The highlight of the Legends game for JH may have been the free safety helmet they passed out for the kids. He loves it. To be honest we have to hide it so he does not wear it all the time:) The thinks he is riding a real "bo" which means bike like Granddad and Gigi's. No one tell him he is not... mommy's heart with not be able to handle her baby on a motorcycle:)

At the beginning of the summer Eric and I decided to start on some home improvement. Wow I hate it. He loves it... isn't that how it goes. So we have finished our fence... which was AWESOME.
Tye (the dog) loves the backyard being fenced in, and now we want another dog. So we marked that off the list. The second project we marked off was the bathroom door. We were told by the builder (AKA my dad) NOT to put in a pocket door from our master bedroom to our bath, but we did not listen. Well for the past 6 months the pocket door has been broken, so we removed the door, put in a real door (YEAH) and added a door to our master closet. You can call my husband Handy Manny. All the plumbing has be checked and fixed. And with the exception of some broken floor tiles (oops!) in the kitchen all our home improvement will be done!

Then I want to start making our bonus/bedroom upstairs into a functional playroom/bedroom! Any thoughts or ideas let me know!
I promise I will get better at blogging... but until then Happy July! Oh PS... here is JH giving his best buddy Hayden "BumP" on our way home from the fair. I just love this picture:)

1 comment:
Well hello, John Hunter~ we would love to come play next week!! Do Mon, Tues, or Wed work for you? I can't wait to be your playmate so soon!! :) Love~ Ivy
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