Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby Van Gogh's

So I am sure you are wondering what we have done today....

we are going to call this.... Playful Painting

We started off making pudding....

then we carefully painted...

then we carefully painted ourselves...

then I went and started the tub....and returned to a sleeping Ivy....

off the the tub we went (eric said i should not post the kissing tub, but it is too darn cute)

Ivy and John Hunter have had a fun day... however I am not sure that painting is in their future...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Time with Nana and the First day of School

So our time with Nana has had to come to an end. She left this morning after dropping John Hunter off at school. We had so much fun with her and we are so sad she had to leave (we tried to talk her into staying). We know she was sad to leave too and we can't wait to see her and Big Daddy soon.

Here are some other fun things we did with Nana.

Made Wonder Balls (this is a MUST have recipe for anyone with toddlers... AMAZING)

Hung out and watched the Olympics and played with Deacon.

Played with all the dogs... here is a photo of Sammy or "Mammy" as JH calls her.

Went to the Woodland Art Festival and played on the swing set and silde.

And today was the big first day of school. She helped get us ready and got us safely into our room!

We love you Nana. NO GOAL!!!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

1930's Wife!


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

Here is a test about being at 1930's wife. I scored a 60... wow! Who knew! (I think the not smoking in bed question helped)

I would like to compare that to a 21st century wife! Hope you all enjoy... let me know what your scores are!

Welcome Little One

My Cousin Amanda and her hubs,Bret, had a baby girl on Wednesday morning! Ella Nicole. Mom and I were so blessed to be there as she delivered this precious bundle of joy. Ella weighed 7.6 and was 19.5 inches long.

One cool story was that the Dr. was late getting there so it took some extra time, unknow to us at the time the Dr. was caring for her aging parents a tasks she does every day. During the c-section at the exact time that Ella was born, the dr.'s dad passed away to be with Jesus. It is bittersweet, but the Dr. is referring to Ella as her little angel!!

I got to visit with Ella last night and she was super fussy until her favortie "Aunt Kendra" held her and put socks on her... I love my little peanut!

Great job Bret and Amanda, look forward to lots of memories with you guys!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I love these girls...

As school begins to approach i just had to let you know how much i love these girls. Maddye and Lindsey. I have watched both girls grow into the Godly women that they are now.
I have prayed over these ladies, cried for and with, and rejoiced on soccer fields and cheerleading mats. I can only hope that one day that John Hunter will bring home a girl like them.
They mean so much to me, and as the enter High School and 8th grade I pray they seek God's will in EVERY decision, make wise choices, and keep my number on speed dial (oh and occasionaly baby sit!)

I love you Lindsey and Maddye!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Berry Pickin With Nana

** See bottom for UK Photos**

Nana has come to visit and we are thrilled... she came in last night with "Sammy" their chocolate lab, or as John Hunter likes to call her "Mammy". So here we all with a house full of dogs and a toddler, Nana, Eric and me. What else is there to do... BLACKBERRY PICKIN'!

So we went over the river and through the woods and wore our jeans along the way so no chiggers would get us. We quickly taught JH how to pick black berries instead of red berries. He loved playing in the dirt, squishing the berries, and most of all the tobacco.

I knew he was Kentucky bred for a reason:)

Here are some great shots of Nana and John Hunter... I just love them!
After berry pickin we came home watched some Olympics and took a nap. Went to church tonight which was excellent, and then headed downtown. We went to Fan Day for Kentucky Football. JH loved it, and we really liked him walking on the turf. I got some great shots that I will put on here soon, but daddy is cooking and I think he would like my help!

Monday, August 4, 2008

We've made it offical

Our goal last night before we went to be was to name this dog... we have had one heck of a time. I promise if we are blessed with another child we will be more decisive. So after much deliberation we have offically named the puppy!

So Deacon it is... the cutest thing is that John Hunter says, "Deacon Down". Too cute. Well Deacon and I will be going to the vet around 3 so we will let what the doc says. Thank you all so much for all your help! I am sure we will have stories to tell!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm a Big Brother....

This week has been a big week at the White House. John Hunter and Tye have a new baby brother. We got a yellow lab puppy today. We have been searching for a while and could not be more excited.

The "buddy" who has no name yet is so cute. He is 7.5 weeks old and is full of life. We found him at a breeder and it was so hard to pick because there were 5 to choose from all boys (so you if are in the area and looking for yellow lab let us know... these are awesome).

So after we got the puppy we went to a cookout at the Purvis' (thanks guys for letting us invade with our new crew). Now we are all home, met Tye (which he is in love with) and we are getting ready for bed.

One more thing... we need a name. Originally we thought a "T" name would be perfect. So here are some we have thought of.... Tate, Tucker, Tonka. But since then we have come up with some other names... Cash, Ryder, Jackson. PLEASE HELP US and let us know what you think!