Here are a few of our favorite things that start with the letter "E."
1. Easter.... one of my most Favorite holidays... I love all that it entails, the hats, hymns, and hopping bunnies (UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE)
2. Earrings... today I was cleaning out my jewelry box and I have a LOT of earrings... but i love them all and still want more!
3. Eastern Shore... Eric and I have vacationed here several times we love the area, but it helps that we love our friends the Olavsrud's
4. Esther... I love the book of Esther for so many reasons... if you think Sarah Palin rocks, check out Esther
5. Easy Bake Ovens... don't think I ever had one of these as a kid, but that is my kind of cooking... I do not like cooking, so the words Easy Bake Warm my Heart!
6. Edwin McCain... he is a great singer and his songs bring me back to a time when I fell in love with Eric... we still dance to old Edwin!!
7. Etsy... what a fun website to see how talented everyone is!
8. Early Morning Walks... I like to walk/ run in the morning, but I dont do it often enough... somehow the Lord meets me there... maybe I need to get up in the morning!
9. Energy... that is from John Hunter.. he has this energy that can make you laugh and cry at the same moment!
10.Eric... I saved the best for last here... he is an awesome husband, father, friend, and leader. He is my very best friend and I know wherever life may take me "E" will be there too!
*** I stole this idea from a friend's blog... tune in for next weeks addition of Alphabet Soup***