I must start this post by saying that "my God shall supply ALL your needs, according to HIS riches!" His ways are not ours, Praise the Lord.
Our housing situation has been one of woes and tears, but we trusted God had a plan. On Wednesday, December 23... we bought a home AND moved in that day! We put an offer on the house about 3 weeks ago and it was accepted. Eric and I decided not to tell ANYONE, this was going to be something that he and I prayed about and followed God's calling on. And NO ONE knew until we closed on Wednesday at 9. I had to tell my friend Kelly because she kept JH for me while we started to move! We called Eric's parents and told them, but we did NOT tell my parents.... we had a plan!
They were coming for Christmas on Wednesday and we told them there was a house that we wanted them to look at. So if they could meet us at the house that would be great. Mom said when dad got in the car he looked at her and said, "they have moved." Mom's response was there is NO way, Kendra could not keep that from me and she would have wanted me to bring all of her decorative stuff (curtains, prints, etc.) Well we both pulled up to the house at the same time, and we smiled real big and said. "welcome home for the holiday". TO which they responded... WHAT, we didn't bring our work clothes!
It has been a whirlwind of the past 2 days, but we are loving every moment. When the movers set up my kitchen table I started to cry.... just felt like home! Our garage is still FULL of boxes, and will be for a while I am assuming! But this is what we have wanted...
I will post more pictures I promise... but we are taking a moment to celebrate the birth of our LORD. The holy child, welcome to our world!
PS... yes we set up our tree and even put out a few decorations! We have officially LOST our minds!