Not much to say, but I am feeling so accomplished today. We got so much done, despite the snow and JH and I even had a snowball fight while delivering Christmas cards. It has been a VERY long time since I felt like I was making dents in my to do list, but today was one of those days. I am not sure why, but I am SOOOO glad it was. We got to see Ho Ho in passing, tell him what we wanted (glad it has not changed, Monster Truck, McQueen bike from Costco, and drums) Oh he did add the dinaco helicopter... but we will have to check with the elves on that!

So the laundry is done, dinner is cleaned up, house is vacuumed, Eric is packed and the fire is crackling... we are settled in and making a list for tomorrow:)
That's a lot of snow! You are truly a northerner now. :)
WOW! i wish we had some of that... instead we just have rain, and lots of it!
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