Since Eric and I have been married we have wanted office furniture. It never made it has a HIGH priority on our list. So we have settled for a 6 foot table given to us by my parents. This table has been old faithful. When Eric accepted the job as ASD he bought the desk from the guy before him. Now that Eric has moved offices again the new office come completely furnished. That left the desk for us to have. After much measuring and taking apart the desk has finally made it to 100 Kendall safe and sound. Dad and Eric did such a great job. I never really knew how bad we needed a desk until I saw how good the room looks with one.
Here is the brain trust putting the desk together.

Here is the desk.

Here is the credenza. (obviously I have some decorating to do as well as organizing. But that is going to have to wait for a bit... or at least until Eric and I get back in town)

And we know that no blog would ever be complete without photos of John Hunter. The first pic is of Train Conductor JH in some overalls his Nana got him.

Then we let him eat an apple while we were moving in the furniture. And when we went to check on him... here is what we found.

Eric and I are headed out of town for a MetLife thing. JH is staying at my parents and we will be home on Saturday... we are certain he will have a grand time.
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