Isn't this the most amazing storage container for boys you have ever seen? We have had it for a couple of years and we love it. I highly recommend it for little ones:)
When we moved to Indy it is what we used as JH's main toy box... that was until today. I have noticed for a this afternoon that one of the "Red" boxes was missing. I didn't think much about it since we were having company over and wanted to get some stuff done. Well when I went up and tucked JH in tonight, I asked him where the box was. He said, "I have been peeing in it mom". Horror was the only thing that came to mind. He has been pulling down his pants and pull up during nap and bed time and using the red box as his personal toliet... WHAT IN THE WORLD??? He was so proud of himself for coming up with this idea. I told him he didn;t need to do that because he had a pull up on and he responded by... "but I just don't like it wet?"
Oh my word... what will this child of mind think of next.
PS... I have removed the box and clorxed the heck out of it...
hahahahahahahahah! i am DYING!
Oh my word, that is hilarious!!! Sounds like he's really catching on to the potty training!
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