And it is even cuter in real life. Last Tuesday I even went to PBK to look at the lunch boxes. They are just precious, but then there is that darn little tag that says $22. That is a LOT of money to pay for a lunch box that he is only going to use 2 times a week. But it matches!!! This is the conversation I kept having with myself over and over in Pottery Barn. My friend Kelly was there so when I finally made the decision to NOT BUY THE LUNCHBOX, she encouraged me that I was making the right decision and that I was bein a good steward of our money.
Well I have let the lunch box go, although I go back to it A LOT when I think about him needing one, that was until today. This morning at church we were studying about Acts 3. Our pastor was talking about childhood hunger and other sorts of needs that were not met around our city. I cannot stop thinking about this analogy he used. Lucas Oil Stadium (where the Colts play) is brand new. It holds 63,000 people, it would need to filled FIVE TIMES to hold all of the children in Indiana who go hungry every day.

OUCH... these kiddos are not worried about what LUNCHBOX they have, but rather if they will have lunch or not. We are so blessed, JH does not have to worry about if he will have lunch, but these kids do. To think that I have spent the last 2 weeks of my life stewing over what KIND of lunch box, and these kids probably have not even eaten lunch. It just makes we sick to type that. How vain, disgusting, and plain wrong is that?
People it is time for a wake up call... what are you doing to help those in your community, family, and neighborhood? Be Jesus with skin, Be Jesus with feet, Be Jesus with hands, whatever it looks like for you, JUST GO it is what you were MADE to do!
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