I am typing this blog from 33,000 feet above land. It's the small things like wifi in an airplane. My parents arrived last night and it did my heart some good to see them. We hung out and just played... and enjoyed a wonderful evening!
This morning we were up with the birds packing the last of our bags! We went to breakfast at Cracker Barrell and then on to the airport!
It was so hard for me to say good bye to John Hunter, but we are confident he is in good hands! We just got the picture of him with his new skateboard and new car seat... I think he will be FINE!

When we arrived at the airport we heard an annoucment that our flight was overbooked. They were offering free tix to those willing to be bumped. So we too them up on the offer. Here's what we got out of the deal!
We are now flying into Orlando then taking a convertible down the coast to Boca. They are paying for the car. Then we EACH recieved TWO round trip tickets to anywhere in the contiential US for the next year! Looks like we will be headed to CO for Sarah's wedding in Novemeber! Oh and I think I forgot to mention this before, but we are sitting in first class as well!
Think this is a pretty good start to a great vacation! Thank you AirTran!
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