Sweet Lynley girl you turned 2 months old on November 21 and what a 2 months it has been. We love you so much and we have lots of fun nicknames for you. Your brother calls you sweetie pie, mom likes to call you Lulu and Princess, and Daddy calls you baby girl! We love all your smiles and we all just gawk at you each time you small. You are starting to talk a LOT. I guess it is just par for the course in this family.
Here are your stats:
Height: 24 1/4 (yep you have grown over 2 inches since your 1 month)
Weight: 10.2 ( you have grown a pound.... yay)
You are nursing great, you sleep pretty well, you love to be on the go, but you HATE to be put into your car seat. You love any and all music. And you have a lovey/blanket that you are obsessed with.
We love you so much and are excited to see you grow!

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