As I have gotten older I still love Easter but for more mature reasons. Now don't get me wrong... I love that my son has the cutest Easter outfit this side of the Mississippi, I love that I will be sporting a FULL searsucker suit (3 sizes smaller than last year) and I love that tomorrow at 10:30 Eric and I will take John Hunter to his first Easter Egg Hunt.
But it is more. Last night Eric and I read the Last Supper to John Hunter. Honestly I could not make it through without crying. I thought about how God loved His son so much, and sent him to the cross. As Eric held John Hunter I was overwhelmed with sadness. Today as I awoke and realized it was Good Friday I has so many things rushing through my mind. But I needed to take time and think. For me sometimes the best way is through music. I was reminded of this old Twila Paris song. And I as sang along the tears flowed.
Your only Son
No sin to hide
But You have sent Him,
From Your side
To walk upon this guilty sod
And to become the Lamb of God
Your gift of Love
They crucified
They laughed and scorned him as he died
The humble King
They named a fraud
And sacrificed the Lamb of God
Oh Lamb of God, Sweet lamb of God
I love the Holy Lamb of God
Oh wash me in His precious Blood
My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God
I was so lost I should have died
But You have brought me to Your side
To be led by Your staff and rod
And to be call a lamb of God
Oh wash me in His precious Blood
My Jesus Chris the Lamb of God
I know that Jesus loves me. But the reflection of how he showed it. I was so encouraged to show love to others today. And I was convicted to start right here at home (mainly with my husband who I was less this nice to last night and this morning).
All this to say. Happy Easter. As you go through your weekend have fun at all the Easter stuff. But remember the Love of Christ!
*** By the way... over the next to days I will be highlighting Easter songs!!!***
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