Well his latest obsession is the Aaron Pelsue Band... they are the band that leads worship at our church and some of our good friends! So it is so cute to watch him. He is truly obsessed, he is constantly talking about them, the guitars, the drums, and all that entail a band!

During the good Friday Service at our church Aaron was talking to JH about something and JH noticed the tattoos up his arm. He has talked non stop about them. Yesterday at lunch with our friend Emily he was telling her all about Mr. Aaron's tattoos... this is funny because Emily is married to Aaron :) She so sweetly told him what the tattoos meant "love God" on one arm and "love people" on the other. Well when we got home JH took his crayon and starting drawing his own tattoo. Too sweet!
We have been have a LOT of trouble with JH and his bedtime (I will save that saga for another post). So last night we told him we would put the Aaron Pelsue Band CD on if he stayed in his room. We could hear him singing sweetly broken all night long! This morning during morning chores he put the music on and I walked in and saw this....

Have you ever seen anything sweeter.... what a heart of worship our little man has! We are so blessed!
Kendra, that is ADORABLE...and he has great taste. Aaron Pelsue Band is good stuff!
sweet story... love JH's big boy bed!! where'd you get it, we are about to go shopping for that!
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