Today as we celebrate Thanksgiving I thought I would make a list of the 30 things I am thankful for since this is my 30th Thanksgiving :)
1) My faith in Jesus Christ. Some days I am not sure I could make it through the day, but I am reminded that Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow!
2) My husband, we have had a REALLY hard year, as in one I don't ever want to relive, but he has stood by me, loved me when I was unloveable, and been there for me when I needed him. He has also been an amazing father to our son.
3) John Hunter, words cannot express the joy he has brought to our lives. He has been strong willed, stubborn, and challenging at times, but to see his love for others, compassion for people, and the way he lights up a room I am so proud of him!
4) My parents, Long before this day God ordained my parents to be mine. And what a wonderful thing. They have been there for EVERYTHING we have needed and more :) One of my fondest memories is when we were headed to have our D&C the came up on a moments notice and left KY at 5 PM and drove so they could be there for us and help with JH, they were at our house for less that 24 hours and it was the most amazing 24 hours ever!
5) My in-laws, they have been amazing people to do life with, they have welcomed me into their family and loved on me. This year we welcomed a new brother in law that we love and could not be more thankful for him!
6) Our church... God is using our church is a BIG way, and we are thrilled to be apart of it
7) My job... I love my littles, they make me smile each Tuesday and Thursday!
8) MOPS... has been a big part of my life in Indy, and it has made this transition easier. I have made some great friends and even those that will last a life time
9) Our neighborhood.... we have been blessed with an amazing neighborhood and great neighbors. We have so much fun with them, and so many great memories, and are looking forward to MANY more!
10) Marriage Counseling.... and our counselors! Words cannot express what these TWO people have done for our lives. They have radically changed who we are and how we function. I will post more on this later !
11) My friends... I have lifetime friends that i still talk to EVERYDAY. These ladies are the heart and soul of who I am! I would be lost without them. I could call them in the middle of the night and I know the would be there :)
12) Good music.
13) Great books... I have been reading a LOT this year and I have a few books that are a MUST read
14) Sweet Tea
15) My house... I love our new house and all the things that go into it. I love that I can call it my home
16) My Bible...I have been reading a LOT of my Bible lately and it is gripping
17) My mentors... there are several ladies who have invested in who I am and who I am going to be. I love them so much. I hope when I am "older" i can be like them
18) My furry four legged children. Although they drive me NUTS at time I do love those pups of ours
19) Snail Mail... I Still get excited when an envelope shows up that is NOT a bill
20) For our sweet baby in heaven. I never thought I would say that, but I am confident that one day I will hold that sweet child, but until then I know that he/she rests in the hands of the almighty
21) Dollar Store
22) Urban Decay makeup
23) Late night movies with my husband
24) Good ole' belly laughs with girlfriends
25) Long walks
26) cool Fall temps
27) Football... mainly the Vikings :)
28) KY basketball
29) My Old KY Home
30) What the next year has in store!