So on Tuesday we are headed to Colorado for the wedding of my amazing Sister in law. I could not be more excited to share in her special day, and we are thrilled to welcome Greg into the White family. I love when a new "in law" joins....

Colorado as many of you know holds a special place in my heart. First and foremost I can truly say I encountered God there. Those mountains and their majesty speak volumes as to who I am today. I also made some life long friends when I was in Colorado. I cannot believe it has been NINE years since graduating from Focus, but the God that brought us together is still the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

One of the more life changing things that happened in Colorado was I met my husband. It was planned, for that matter it wasn't even love at first sight, but we became GREAT friends, fast. We both have great stories about our first impressions of each other, and we both that "places in Colorado" that mark milestones in our relationship. God has been faithful to us in the nine years we have know each other and the 6.5 years we have been married.

I would not say that this journey has been easy, actually I would say the this last year has been the hardest year of my life and our marriage. But daily I am reminded that God is faithful, he delights in us, and he desires a relationship with us. I am thankful for Colorado, and for what it means to our family. And I am tickled pink to take John Hunter there. Stay tuned for updated posts from our journey

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