I have been reading a lot on Exodus. There are many reason for my visit to the Old Testament, so rich with history, and so relevant to my life today. One reoccurring theme that i keep seeing is the line "and an altar was built and it was called" I am not sure how much reading in Exodus you've been doing but just take a glance I am confident you will see it!
I love the story in Exodus 17 where the Israelites are fighting, as long as Moses arms are raised they are winning, but if his arms drop, they are loosing. The Elders stand in and help him raise his arms, they use rocks to prop them, and they battle is the LORDS. And then after all is said and done, an altar is built, and they called it "The Lord is my Banner".
What kinds of altars are you building in your life? Not idols, but altars. Webster defines altars as"usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else"
So do you have any altars, things that help you remember where God has brought you. For me I have journals, bibles, pictures, or even some trinkets. When I look at them, think about them, or pull them out of storage I am reminder that God has carried me through a LOT in my life. Each season He has been faithful, and continues to be.
Another reason I am loving my time in Exodus is because as you know they are wandering in the wilderness. I would say at this season in my life I have been blessed beyond belief, but I am in the wilderness, a desert so to speak. There are so many reasons for this, and one day I cannot wait to share with you how the LORD has brought my family into the Promise Land! But until then I am confident that God wants me to build an idol for this season. So I build. Something for He and I to cling to and to cherish, something where all the HONOR is HIS and His alone. Something tangible where the generations that follow will look upon that altar and call on the name of Jehovah Jirah ( the LORD provides)
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