Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You're A Star

So we love Christmas time and we LOVE our neighborhood. A couple months ago we got "boo"ed, Maybe you did to. Someone would put a ghost in a treat on your front door and you should spread the idea hoping the spirits don't catch you. Well we LOVED the idea of a fun sneak attack on your neighbors, but we did not participate because we did not want to dabble in the world of evil spirits with ghost in goblins. When that all came about I decided to keep the idea alive, but save it for Christmas. Well there is no "boo" for Christmas that I could find, so I wrote my own. And I wanted to share it with you.

The star is a central character in the Christmas story, you see the star leads us to Jesus. So I thought it would be fun to "star" your neighbors. The activity is VERY easy, and even involves treats. I was thinking candy canes, packets of hot coco, or even make some homemade cookies with your kiddos! Whatever you do, do it as a family and remember the Jesus is a gift we have been given and He is the reason we celebrate!

So you can snag these images from here or you can email me at kjwhite1980@gmail.com and I can email then to you. Oh, and ENJOY

The trees are up, the lights are hung,

Listen quietly and carols will be sung,

There is Santa, elves, and candy canes galore

And A White Christmas is worth waiting for!

Santa loves gifts, but Jesus does too

That is why he was sent as God’s gift to you!

So let’s cover the neighborhood

showing people we care

Hang a star on your door

and a couple to share!

The Christmas spirit grows when friends like you

Copy your star and make an extra or two!

Your neighbors will have smiling faces

When no one can guess

who “STARRED” which places

You’ll have a day or two to work on your treat

But keep it a secret and run with fast feet

Join in the fun, tis’ the season here!

So let’s shine our stars with holiday cheer!

Please keep these starts shining by following these directions:

· Enjoy your treat

· Place your star on your front door or visible front window

· Within the next 2 days make two copies of your star sign as well as this note

· Make two treat bags

· Secretly deliver to two neighbors

without a star

· Keep an eye out on nearby front doors to see how far and bright the star shines!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Thankful

Today as we celebrate Thanksgiving I thought I would make a list of the 30 things I am thankful for since this is my 30th Thanksgiving :)

1) My faith in Jesus Christ. Some days I am not sure I could make it through the day, but I am reminded that Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow!

2) My husband, we have had a REALLY hard year, as in one I don't ever want to relive, but he has stood by me, loved me when I was unloveable, and been there for me when I needed him. He has also been an amazing father to our son.

3) John Hunter, words cannot express the joy he has brought to our lives. He has been strong willed, stubborn, and challenging at times, but to see his love for others, compassion for people, and the way he lights up a room I am so proud of him!

4) My parents, Long before this day God ordained my parents to be mine. And what a wonderful thing. They have been there for EVERYTHING we have needed and more :) One of my fondest memories is when we were headed to have our D&C the came up on a moments notice and left KY at 5 PM and drove so they could be there for us and help with JH, they were at our house for less that 24 hours and it was the most amazing 24 hours ever!

5) My in-laws, they have been amazing people to do life with, they have welcomed me into their family and loved on me. This year we welcomed a new brother in law that we love and could not be more thankful for him!

6) Our church... God is using our church is a BIG way, and we are thrilled to be apart of it

7) My job... I love my littles, they make me smile each Tuesday and Thursday!

8) MOPS... has been a big part of my life in Indy, and it has made this transition easier. I have made some great friends and even those that will last a life time

9) Our neighborhood.... we have been blessed with an amazing neighborhood and great neighbors. We have so much fun with them, and so many great memories, and are looking forward to MANY more!

10) Marriage Counseling.... and our counselors! Words cannot express what these TWO people have done for our lives. They have radically changed who we are and how we function. I will post more on this later !

11) My friends... I have lifetime friends that i still talk to EVERYDAY. These ladies are the heart and soul of who I am! I would be lost without them. I could call them in the middle of the night and I know the would be there :)

12) Good music.
13) Great books... I have been reading a LOT this year and I have a few books that are a MUST read
14) Sweet Tea
15) My house... I love our new house and all the things that go into it. I love that I can call it my home
16) My Bible...I have been reading a LOT of my Bible lately and it is gripping
17) My mentors... there are several ladies who have invested in who I am and who I am going to be. I love them so much. I hope when I am "older" i can be like them
18) My furry four legged children. Although they drive me NUTS at time I do love those pups of ours
19) Snail Mail... I Still get excited when an envelope shows up that is NOT a bill
20) For our sweet baby in heaven. I never thought I would say that, but I am confident that one day I will hold that sweet child, but until then I know that he/she rests in the hands of the almighty
21) Dollar Store
22) Urban Decay makeup
23) Late night movies with my husband
24) Good ole' belly laughs with girlfriends
25) Long walks
26) cool Fall temps
27) Football... mainly the Vikings :)
28) KY basketball
29) My Old KY Home
30) What the next year has in store!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Focus on The Family

So as many of you know Focus on the Family holds a special place in the hearts of Eric and I. We have so many fond memories of the friends, places, and things we learn. I was VERY sentimental to go back and take our son with us. It was a really big deal for me. Once we got there, Eric, realized how much that place shaped who we are and what we believe.

We were also able to take John Hunter to Adventures in Odyssey it was so wonderful. God is doing amazing things through that ministry. And JH has loved listening to the books on tape so he loved it. What a great place. One of my favorite memories EVER!

Colorado Recap!

So we ventured to Colorado last week to celebrate the marriage of Sarah (my sister in law) and Greg (my now brother in law). We had a great time and it was WONDERFUL to see family and friends. Eric, John Hunter, and I drove out there and although I was dreading EVERY minute, it was wonderful!. Everyone did gret, no one slept, and the company was excellent! We arrived on Wednesday Morning and hung out and had a great dinner on Wednesday night cooked by my amazing husband and his brother.

Thursday was full of Pre-wedding stuff as well as the rehearsal dinner! Everything was beautiful!

Friday was the wedding day. We did hair, makeup, and even hiked around the garden of the gods! The wedding was beautiful! As it was fun memories!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Colorado bound

So on Tuesday we are headed to Colorado for the wedding of my amazing Sister in law. I could not be more excited to share in her special day, and we are thrilled to welcome Greg into the White family. I love when a new "in law" joins....
Colorado as many of you know holds a special place in my heart. First and foremost I can truly say I encountered God there. Those mountains and their majesty speak volumes as to who I am today. I also made some life long friends when I was in Colorado. I cannot believe it has been NINE years since graduating from Focus, but the God that brought us together is still the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

One of the more life changing things that happened in Colorado was I met my husband. It was planned, for that matter it wasn't even love at first sight, but we became GREAT friends, fast. We both have great stories about our first impressions of each other, and we both that "places in Colorado" that mark milestones in our relationship. God has been faithful to us in the nine years we have know each other and the 6.5 years we have been married.

I would not say that this journey has been easy, actually I would say the this last year has been the hardest year of my life and our marriage. But daily I am reminded that God is faithful, he delights in us, and he desires a relationship with us. I am thankful for Colorado, and for what it means to our family. And I am tickled pink to take John Hunter there. Stay tuned for updated posts from our journey

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And an altar was built

I have been reading a lot on Exodus. There are many reason for my visit to the Old Testament, so rich with history, and so relevant to my life today. One reoccurring theme that i keep seeing is the line "and an altar was built and it was called" I am not sure how much reading in Exodus you've been doing but just take a glance I am confident you will see it!

I love the story in Exodus 17 where the Israelites are fighting, as long as Moses arms are raised they are winning, but if his arms drop, they are loosing. The Elders stand in and help him raise his arms, they use rocks to prop them, and they battle is the LORDS. And then after all is said and done, an altar is built, and they called it "The Lord is my Banner".

What kinds of altars are you building in your life? Not idols, but altars. Webster defines altars as"usually raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship —often used figuratively to describe a thing given great or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else"

So do you have any altars, things that help you remember where God has brought you. For me I have journals, bibles, pictures, or even some trinkets. When I look at them, think about them, or pull them out of storage I am reminder that God has carried me through a LOT in my life. Each season He has been faithful, and continues to be.

Another reason I am loving my time in Exodus is because as you know they are wandering in the wilderness. I would say at this season in my life I have been blessed beyond belief, but I am in the wilderness, a desert so to speak. There are so many reasons for this, and one day I cannot wait to share with you how the LORD has brought my family into the Promise Land! But until then I am confident that God wants me to build an idol for this season. So I build. Something for He and I to cling to and to cherish, something where all the HONOR is HIS and His alone. Something tangible where the generations that follow will look upon that altar and call on the name of Jehovah Jirah ( the LORD provides)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Way too long...

So I know it has been way too long since I have posted, and I am sorry for that! Our lives have been a little crazy as of late, but oh well! I am gonna post in bullet points:

* The BIG surprise was that we went home and surprised my mom by picking her up from the airport after being in Flordia for a week. She was so shocked and we had a great visit home. Thanks to the Stones for letting us crash there. During our visit we also got to meet our dear friends little girl Stella. She was born at 31 weeks and on JH's birthday. We also got to hang out with her brother which was a blessing!

* John Hunter had his first slumber party at a friends house. We have been blessed with great friends and they offered for JH to stay the night while Eric and I went to Cincy for the night. I was so worried because he is not the best of sleepers at other peoples houses. He went to bed at 9:30 and woke up at 9:15 the next morning. What a blessing! Thanks to the Jahn family for watching our little man!

* We carved awesome pumpkins and made pumpkin seeds

* We had a great trunk or treat at church and a great trick or treat.... we have ENTIRELY too much candy in this home. But oh well. I have to say we had one of the cutest little buzz lightyears I have ever seen!

* We are on a countdown to go to Colorado. We are DRIVING there in less than 2 weeks for my amazing sister in laws wedding. We could not be more thrilled!

* And I am anxious to get working on my Christmas cards!

I promise I will get better with the posting... really I will!