Life has been so crazy lately. It seems when life is crazy the WORD is the place you are "supposed" to go. And I am not discounting that at all... actually I have camped a lot in Exodus, but really I find a lot of peace is music.
I recently pulled out some old faithful cd's and find some quite rest in the music. I just want you to read these words and let them rest up on your heart!
Part The Waters/I Need Thee Every Hour
Part the Waters
When I think I'm going under, part the waters, Lord
When I feel the waves around me, calm the sea
When I cry for help, oh, hear me, Lord and hold out Your hand
Touch my life
Still the raging storm in me
I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.
I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.
Some times in life I need the waters to part. But as I was reading in Exodus today so did Moses. When Pharaoh's army was coming upon them, the Israelites were still fearful. Moses called on God, and at just the right time he parted the waters. God's timing never seems to be my timing.
Yesterday I had a pity party... I would have loved to invite all of you... but no one would have wanted to come. To the point that I did not get out of my bed until 4:30 PM. I recall at one point eating the bag of chocolate donuts in bed straight out of the bag.

Sometimes I validate the reasons I feel sorry for myself. But in all the self pity I never once looked for parted waters. So today I woke up (not until 9... thank you husband) and pulled myself up by the boot straps and started looking for parted waters. There were tears, pain, and hope. It seems that when we look for the parted waters... hope comes. So as I sit in bed this sunday I encourage each of you to find parted waters... where ever your flood my be!
I'm very proud of you! There may be more days of pity party, bedrest, and doughnuts, and sometimes that's ok even to God. You're human and so was he at one point - and he even wept just to let us know that it's ok!
Friend, I am sorry you had a bad day!! We have all had tucked in bed, bags of doughnuts type of moments/days/weeks. You are not the only one! Ivy girls sends her love :)
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