I had a great time in Columbus on Friday/Saturday for the MetLife Kick off Meeting. It is a fun event that we look forward to every year! I drove up on Friday to meet Eric who was in meetings all day! I did take a detour stop on the outlet malls (so fun!)
Did a little shopping when I got to Easton, but not too much. It was so nice to relax, paint my nails, and take a little nap! We could not have done any of this without the help of Gigi and Granddad! Thanks a ton guys!
Friday night was the dinner/dance and as I always it was good to be with friends (my friend Joy is my partner in crime.... we are so kindly referred to as the Southern Twins). Which is really funny! We have tried to include other people, but it just doesnt seem to work out :0) I was so proud of Eric for all is rewards. Since he has taken over the Indy off they have seen a signifcate increase in production... and he was recognized for his hard work. We went out with our friends afterwards and had an excellent time with the exception of my painful shoes...but oh well!
A great time was had by all and I was thrilled to see my hubby... I cant wait to see him next weekend... Love you babe!
** the above pic is us from the event and Mark and wife Claudia. Mark works in the Indy office and he and Claudia were married LAST Friday. So fun to meet them****
love the new blog :) and your hair looks way pretty!
Eric, you look mighty good with that gotee and that awesome tux! And Kendra your hair look amazing as always!
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