So as many of you know, my brithday is my most favorite day of the year! I love it! For so many reasons, but most important I just love it! This is my last year in my 20's AHHHH! I am so excited about this year and what it holds.
I have said since Christmas the one thing I want for my birthday is a new pair of running shoes, we will see if that happens! But Eric did so much better than running shoes....

We will be leaving for Disney next week (Wed.) and staying there through Monday the 9th (Eric's birthday). From Disney HE AND I will fly to NYC, can you believe it. I love that city, and that man! He is there on business, which is sad, but I am there on pleasure. What is a girl to do? Well here is my list of things to do:
1) see mary poppins
2) eat at tavern on the green (oh this is also our 5 year anniversary gift which is feb. 20... do you remember when Nick and Jessica went to tavern, that didnt end to well for them, but I love that place)
3) See my dearest friend Brandi Jane as much as possible
4) buy a knock of louise/ coach
5) get a new watch
6) sit and relax... by myself!
Where is my child going to be you ask? Well my awesome parents were going to drive him home from Disney, but it has always been a dream of dad's to see a shuttle launch. So for his birthday (15th... can you see we have a lot of holidays this month), they are staying in FL with JH at the beach for a few days and then taking him to the Space Center to see the shuttle launch! How cool is that???? What treat!
I could not be more excited! Now if you could just see my to do list... I have to pack for Flordia and NYC??? I better get on it! Oh well... YAY for my Brithday!
Sorry, you got my curiosity up with your comment on my blog. =) I am NOTHING but HAPPY for you and wish you the best time possible!!! Someday, I will get my break, too, don't you worry! Off to watch some American Idol! ~Andrea
Wow, what a good husband! Enjoy your adventure! :) It's a well-deserved break!
How fun!! I am so jealous! I've never been to NYC and would love to go someday. Have a BLAST!!!
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