hope this reminds you of your freedom today!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Armed Forces
hope this reminds you of your freedom today!
Sunday, June 28, 2009

So tomorrow we are at home, 3 square meals, lots of water/milk, playing, naps, and bedtime. We will continue this routine for as long as possible... or at least until our next trip!
In other JH news are are officially potty trained (with the exception of pull ups at night). I am thankful and nervous because I feel like I have to always anticiapte an accident.

And then next week we are headed to MN to a shower for my sister in law and an 80th birthday celebration for Eric's grandmother... however, Eric might not be coming, so JH and I might be headed to the Land o' Lake via.....

We will keep you posted on Boot Camp!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Vacation Post
We had a great time in Bonita Springs (thanks Aunt Jan for letting us use the house). It was just what our little family needed. My inlaws were able to join us which was a treat... and we had a great time with them!
We drove down and the trip was great... it always seems to be better when you are going ON vacation. You have something to look forward too! On the way home, we were tired!
We went to the beach, the pool, the hot tub. My husband turned into a full chef. We did not go out to each ONE TIME... this is an unheard thing for me. But the meals were amazing:) My husband out did himself.
Here are some photo shoots from the beach and other fun things as well as our nights watching the sun sets.

The waves were excellent the first few days and JH turned into a little fish. He loved it.. the last 2 days the waves were fierce. People were even surfing... the seaweed as well as the shells did me in. If y'all don't know this I HATE SAND!!! So it was tough for me to just sit on the side!
Hope you all enjoy the pictures... I am headed to INDY tomorrow... routine??? Hopefully we will get into one and we will be able to blog some more:)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I'm back...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Not much has been going on in our world expect enjoying time with Gigi and Grandad. And as nice as that has been we have not seen Eric for a week... but tomorrow we will! We are thrilled. He is coming to Lexington tomorrow night and then on Wed. we are leaving for FL. AND.... Nana is coming too (maybe even Big Daddy) so there should be lots of fun in the sun!!!
While here we have been eating Popsicle, playin in the pool, and just relaxing. They are the bestest hostesses! Even let us play in the rain!
Tomorrow we are meeting some friends at BounceU so that should be fun to get some energy out... here are a few pictures of our time at Gigi's!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sorry It's Been a While
Life has been nothing less than crazy we are still at Gigi and Granddad and I have GOT to give them a shout out. They have been amazing. Packing, packing, and packing. We were gung ho, and then the renters who were supposed to rent for 3 years with the option to buy fell through... we were devastated to say the least! But we know that God is faithful and has the perfect family in mind to rent the house! We are trusting the Almighty during this season of life!
We have been packing, but we have also had some fun visiting friends and family. Being with friends and family have really been warming my heart during this time! So that has been wonderful!
To top off everything off, the White Family is going on vacation. Next week we will be headed to Ft. Meyers, FL. We are LOOKING FORWARD to 7 days of, family, fun, and sun.... oh and water too! We are thrilled, I promise to blog more soon.. but for now here is where we will be staying thanks to my Aunt Janet letting us stay!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
God is BIG!!!!!!!!!!!
It was soooo cool when we got the call, we but just started crying and Eric immediatly started to pray and that God for all the has done for our little family. Then as usual the evil one started to attack. A wave of stress came over me... when, how, why, what, were we going to get it ALLLLLL done! In the mean time we have sinced prayed and feel God telling us to hold tight to HIS PEACE. We could not be more excited. This has been a HUGE stress (as most of you know) and we are thrilled! So over the next week I am not sure how much blogging will happen but if you think about it please pray for the following things for our family!
1) That the peace of God will surpass ALL understanding!
2) Patience
3) Freedom of the evil on
4) Pride... I tend to want things to be a certain way and when they don't look/go that way I get a bad attitude...
5) We are selling a few pieces of furniture (our dining room suit as well as our eliptical machine) and we would like for those to sell quickly in Lexington
6) John Hunter.. this next week is going to be a little crazy. He will be thrilled to be with Gigi and Grandad, but also going to some friends house a few days... so that his little mind will adjust and that he wil remain healthy and happy!
7) Our marriage... in high stress times like this I tend to take all my stress out on Eric (and he does the same) So that we will see the greater good... and come together as a "cord of three strands"
Thanks guys... we love ya!
Friday, June 5, 2009
I miss this...

Did you know Bath and Body Works was having a sale? Can you imagine how wonderful a bubble bath would be right now... not gonna happen, so I will just keep praying!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Mighty to Save
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hail Storm 2009
We have a lot of damage, both of our cars are NO good, and the side of the house is just a shame. But we have called the appropriate people so hopefully we will be all taken care of!
Well one more to chop up for experience:)
Not the Girl Devotion Week Three

Life, relationships, and even marriage are all about choices. Just stop and think how many choices you have already made today. Maybe not even thinking you made a choice to keep reading this blog… (thanks)!
As many of you know Eric and I have been looking at houses, this has consumed a lot of our time on the internet and everything we like is a choice. Choices started VERY early in our relationship, from who would moved, to what we registered for, and so on and so on. 5 year later in this marriage we are still making choices… here is a little know fact. We hardly EVER choose the same thing without a discussion. We could not be more opposite, that has what made the marriage so fun and at times so difficult. I started thinking about all the choices I make every day. From the time I wake up till the time I “CHOOSE” to go to bed, my life is full of choices. In this season of life I feel like I make more choices than ever because I am making them for John Hunter as well.
Remember Job, he made a choice. Life as Job knew it was nothing like he had planned, but he clung to God in the midst of everything. In Job 2:11-13 we see that Job’s friends come to visit him. This was not a short trip with a Starbucks and a Get Well Card. These three friends stayed and sat in silence with Job for SEVEN DAYS. They didn’t speak “because they saw how great his suffering was” (vs. 13). Can you imagine???? Those are some dedicated friends who made a major choice to stick with their friend. You can keep reading in Job 3- 37 at the dialogue between Job and his friends.
Job’s choices not only affect him, they affected everyone around him. His friends who sat in silence, his wife whom he put in her place and his relationship with God (we will get to that next week Job 38). Your choices affect others too. Do you realize that? In the past week I have been waking up before Eric. Not getting up, but just laying in bed enjoying the sun peeking through the blinds. It has been such a peaceful time for me and I have found myself just praying over Eric and his work along with JH and his sweet little life. Those precious moments have allowed my day to start out better. I find I am more patient, forgiving, and peaceful. It’s a choice.
Turn you in your Bibles to Joshua 24:15, “But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Today you can choose who you will serve. As I said before life is full of choices. From the food we eat to the clothes we wear. Then all of the sudden a sad reality hit me right between the eyes. On any given day I tend to take longer to choose what JH will wear, what we will have for dinner, or what our day holds, than to choose who I will serve. Sure I love Jesus with all my heart, but DAILY I want too/have chosen to serve Him.
On the days when I choose HIM, the day seems more peaceful, more manageable, and more glorifying to the God who ordained it. Just because I choose to serve Him doesn’t mean my day is easy (remember Job), the bills still need to be paid, accidents still happen while potty training, my feelings still get hurt, and life still happens. But when I boldly choose and proclaim “THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE, LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT”, Satan and his demons have no hold on me. I am my Beloveds and He is mine. Praise the LORD. So today, who or what will you chose? Your choice in this very moment could affect your family, your friends, and your life. In the words of Joshua, “as for me and my house we will serve the LORD!”
Prayer: Father today in everything we do, let us choose you. Let your glory fall on our lives, let your peace surpass all our understanding, and guard our hearts against the evil one and his nasty schemes. Let us be that woman that when I wake up in the morning, Satan says "She's up... crap!” Let our choices be those that serve your Kingdom, whether they be large decisions or the simple ones that only affect our families. Give us your strength Oh God. Guide our steps and guard our hearts. In your precious and Holy name we pray, AMEN!
Monday, June 1, 2009
8 years ago....

8 years ago today I packed up my suitcase and headed to Colorado to Study at Focus on the Family.... I never thought that I would meet the man of my dreams there, but I did. So in honor of my love for him... he is going to be apart of the blog:
Eric, what was your first impression of me? We hiked the first weekend. It was like a 2 mile hike to the summit. I hiked up and then hiked down and passed you during the hike. I remember hugging you and calling you Miss Priss!
What is your most memorable moment in Colorado? After Graduation our group of friends (the Fab 5) went out to Garden of the Gods. You smoked a cigar... I was shocked. So shocked I took a panoramic picture of you... when your momma (sweet Marge) found it she was mortified.
If you had to describe our dating relationship in one word what would it be? Turbulent
For those of you who don't know, Eric dated someone else while we were in Colorado, but we had our fun times, what is one moment that you and I shared in CO that makes you laugh now? During the Fourth of July service I saluted your roommate (Lani) due to the fact if we had put her on the end of a flagpole any good and honest military man would have done the same due to her red/white striped shirt and navy skirt. We all sat in the same row... Marci, Me, and Kendra. I held hands with my girlfriend all service, during the prayer they asked us to hold hands with the people sitting next to us. As a good Christian I obliged. I however did not know that you wanted to hold my hand AFTER the prayer was over. So I held hands with you too (KENDRA here... I really did want to hold his hand, and I put the MOVES on him a lot... I remember doing the same thing in the car too)
There were a lot of cute girls, and I chose you babe!
OK... so it is my blog and I will write my own memories. I remember...
- the red and blue polo striped shirt you wore the first time I saw you
- you playing guitar at the pool and me cuddling up to you (Eric here.. there was no cuddling, she had her hand up my thigh)
- White water rafting
- You climbing Pikes Peak... me thinking you were crazy
Oh this has been a fun trip down memory lane... thanks for sharing babe! I love you... can't wait to see what the next 8 years HOLD!