************ UDATED**************

t Soup Letter "H"
It has been way too long since I did my last alphabet soup post....so here it goes!
Some of our favorite things that begin with the letter H.
1. Home- I am learning each day that home is more than your return address label. Now that we are completely out of our Kendall Lane house I went through am morning period where I felt homeless. Sure my parents house will always be home, and sure where Eric and John Hunter are will be home. But home... well we are sort of nomads right now. We are in the process of buying a house here in Indy... it is a LONG story, but are confident that God is faithful!
2. Hot Apple Cider -There is a cool nip in the air and nothing says fall to me like hot apple cider, my mother in law makes the best with cider, oranges, and cinnamon sticks... there is nothing more wonderful!
3. Handbags-So i could have a handbag for each day of the week and STILL not have enough. It is kinda a problem. I did just get a new Henry Brown Bag and I must say it screams fall and fun!!!
4. Horses- I am not sure if it is the fact that I was born and bred in the Bluegrass state, but something is to be said for Horses. I love their gentleness, their majesty, and their grander. They truly are amazing animals. I love driving in the car with John Hunter when he stops a horse, his little eyes light up and all seems right in the world!
5. Honesty -"And the truth will set you free". Enough said. Eric and I have been going through a BRUTALLY HONEST phase. Not sure if you and yours have every been through something like this, but is healthy and healing all at the same time. Honesty heals!
6. Hair products- I am a SUCKER for hair products, one time I brought the entire line of Big Sexy Hair, just because of the cool name. I will buy a product just because it is in a COOL bottle. The amount of hair products I have is amazing.. but I love them, and am a sucker for new ones:)
7. Hobby Lobby- Let me first say if you don't like Hobby Lobby...then don't come to my house. I love that place and it is evident in our decor. If you have NEVER been, come with me, I will get you hooked!
8. HEDGEAPPLES... mom and dad called me this morning and reminded me i forgot the MOST IMPORTANT "H" ever. Hedgeapples. Do you know what they are? They are those lime green, sappy, brainy looking things that fall from the trees during the fall season. Since my childhood I have loved them. They remind me of the Sunday drives to Harrodsburg to visit my Mamal and Papal (and those are some of my fondest memories) Look for hedgeapples, they will make you SMILE :)
What are your favorite things that begin with the letter "H"?