So I said before 2010 was not great, and 2011 is proving to be a little harder. But this morning I was reminded that God is bigger than all the worry I can muster, so I am placing all my worry in his hands.
As many of you know we have had SOOO much trouble with JH's ears. We had tubes put in last March and still have had lots of infections. Well I took him to the ENT before Christmas we did 3 weeks of meds and steroids. For his follow up visit and they wanted to do a chest xray and CT/MRI scan before we removed his adenoids so we did last Thursday!
On Tuesday as we were leaving school the ENT doctor called to say he got the chest xray back and there showed some abnormal spotting of JH's lungs and we needed to see a pulmenologist (lung doctor) ASAP, but first I needed a referral from my pediatrician. So after I collected myself I called the peds and waited. Then the ped called me back and said after looking at the xray she saw an enlarged heart and we needed to see a cardiologist. So after I digested all of that I started praying with my husband.
This morning we took JH in for an MRI/CT scan and he did fairly well, it was a little anxious, but did great. So tomorrow we could use your prayers. We are going to Riley Children's Hospital at 9:30 to meet with the Lung Doctor and then at 1 to Indiana Heart hospital to meet with a pediatric cardiologist and have an echo cardiogram! We are anxious, nervous, and overwhelmed, but we confident that god has plan! Our family is blessed to be covered by your prayers!
Kendra, I've got you covered. At least in part. =) We have seen a pulmonologist at Riley for a few years with Callie's asthma and they are WONDERFUL. You will not be disappointed. We also went to a cardiologist for C's heart murmur awhile back, and again, when they are pediatric doctors, they are so knowledgeable and listen to your fears, anxieties, etc. God is in control, girl!
Will be praying for you today!
Mom and I are praying!!!! Much love to you and yours.
Oh it's Anna (chalkley) cox xoxo
Praying for you guys! I love that JH has a huge grin on his face looking at that MRI - he's a trooper!
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