After coming home and having a great nap. Our friends the Stone's came over to visit the Little Stinker. Caroline and John Hunter are big buds. She is so wonderful with him and he loves her. She comes over sometimes just to play with him so I can get some cleaning and other things done around the house. It is so nice to have such a sweet girl like that. I love this second picture of them... they almost look like they could be related.
After there visit we went on a wagon ride through the neighborhood. Although we didn't see many kids at first after a while we did. John Hunter just loves to be outside and thought he was big stuff on a wagon ride with mommy and daddy and TYE. He loves TYE! After we came in Gigi and Granddad came over for a visit with his favorite treat. Yogart covered rasins...! On our way upstairs we noticed that the next door neighbor was passing out treats and wasn't out before. He is a single guy and had done all this cool stuff and no one was at his door, so John Hunter and I went over to get some treats. Let me just say I am glad we did. I swear the cookie I just ate was the best thing I have every put in my MOUTH! Now are little sinker is in bed, resting his head.
Daddy is going out of town in the Morning so we have a couple of days full of cleaning and organizing. So that should be fun! Hopefully we will be able to get a few fun things in like a visit or two with friends!
HRP - Love your blog. It's a great way to feel connected to family who is so far away. I know your Gran would love it as well. TU for taking the time to create and maintain it. It has "far-reaching" benefits. TGA aka Aunt B
Of course I remember Eric - we dropped him off when he got home as I recall. What a sweet little boy you have! Great to hear from you!
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