We had a great weekend. Eric got home Friday afternoon and we just had dinner and just played around the house.
Saturday John Hunter and I went to baby shower for our friend Meg who is having a little girl. It was fun to see friends and John Hunter was wore out because when we got home he slept for 3 hours. We went to church and did everything we could to keep him up for an extra hour to help off set the time change. It somewhat worked. He slept his regular 12.5 hours, but he was still up asy 6:41 AM so mommy was REALLY ready for a morning nap. The time change was kinda hard for him And it must have been hard to mommy and daddy too... because we were in bed and asleep last night at 7:40.
BUT THE BIGGEST NEWS: John Hunter took his first steps yesterday. It was a big day all around because Adrian Peterson from the Vikings (daddy's team) broke the rushing yard record, and at the same time... first steps were taken. We have done it a couple more times... but we are still a little hesitatnt.
Check out this little video.... Sorry it is to the side. Not sure how to change it...
don't you love it when you pick them up and the comments you hear leave you wondering "is that a good thing or a bad thing"
I can't believe that I have been checking daily to see something new and I let a week go by and, oh my gosh! He has grown up in a week! Walking and talking. I will shortly send an email of Aunt B so he can have that down pat by the time we get there. Lordy, no tellin' what he'll be doing by then! What a smart little sweetheart. Uncle Richard says, Oh, boy, he not only has a doting Mom and Grandmother, now a doting aunt as I sat here telling him how smart this child is to string two words together right after he says his first words. I may be doting, but he is SMART! Can't wait to see him. Love and hugs, Aunt B
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