So today is my first official day in IN. And here are my thoughts:
- It's cold ( i mean really cold)
- I am overwhelmed
- It's not that bad
- Shopping is great
- All the streets have numbers and not names
- I think I can do it!
- It's cold ( i mean really cold)
- I am overwhelmed
- It's not that bad
- Shopping is great
- All the streets have numbers and not names
- I think I can do it!
Today we got up early and went an decorated/rearranged Eric's office. And i have to say it looks great ( I will take pictures tomorrow). Then I went out on my own and did a little sightseeing and went to the local story (MARSH). I called my friend Estelle who just moved to a new city and told her you really feel out of sorts when you don't know any radio stations or have a loyalty card at the local store!
Eric and I drove to the Carmel area and it was so quaint. There we had such a divine appointment. We walked around and stumbled upon this little resturant called Woody's that is the basement of the Library. There was no room so we sat at the bar. The owner "Woody" waited on us and we noticed that he had on a Northview Christian Church shirt. This is the church we have heard a lot about and find to be very good. We struck up a conversation with him and he invited us to church with him and his wife, told us all about the area, and then didn't charge us for our YUMMY lunch, sort of a welcome to IN area. Now I know this sounds simple, but it meant so much to me. I thought I could just cry!
We also looked at houses with the realtor today... saw a great house with a bad location. But there are several to choose from. So we are going again tomorrow. That whole process was overwhelming to me.
We then went back to Eric's work and I just hung out. Came back to the hotel and took at 2.5 hour nap at 4 PM. Can we just give a shout out to Gigi and Granddad for making that happen:o) We love you guys.
After our nap we did a little shopping. Well window shopping that is. Sax 5th Ave. When we walked it it called to me... I could smell it through the cold I have. And there she was it the prefectly shaped purple bottle.... Bond No. 9 Scent of Peace!!!

So all in all this day has been good. It has been wonderful to reconnect with Eric. To talk and pray about this move, and relax. Tomorrow I will update with more Indy Recap!!!
I remember addressing wedding thank-you notes to all of Aaron's friends and family. I said the EXACT same thing to him..."All the streets in Indianapolis are numbers and not names?" What is up with that?
I am so, so happy that God gave you that divine moment at Woody's. I am sure that God romanced you through a free meal, and an invitation to His community! Yeah God!
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