I think it is always good to look back and see where God has brought me in my life. Funny to think that one of those milestones is MLK day. It was 2 years ago this weekend that Eric moved into the rental house here in Indy and JH and I came up for a visit. I remember this day so well because we went to the Indy Zoo in the freezing cold for the FIRST time! It was a great memory that I love to cling to, you can read all about it here
Monday, January 17, 2011
It's good to look back
I think it is always good to look back and see where God has brought me in my life. Funny to think that one of those milestones is MLK day. It was 2 years ago this weekend that Eric moved into the rental house here in Indy and JH and I came up for a visit. I remember this day so well because we went to the Indy Zoo in the freezing cold for the FIRST time! It was a great memory that I love to cling to, you can read all about it here
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Winter Blues

So some days I feel like we are never gonna leave this house. I have felt like this for several days (although we have had a low key weekend and left the house several times). But after so many hours I feel like we need a change of pace or scenery. Or maybe it's just mommy that does.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Be Patient, don't be in such a hurry!

Monday, January 10, 2011
Let The Praises Ring

We are so blessed with some the test results that we have gotten so far. His heart is normal and we could not be more thrilled. We heard from the ENT and his sinus are COMPLETELY blocked and we are on meds and hoping we dont have to do sinus surgery! We go next week for his sweat study to rule out CF, and we are already praying over that, would you join us?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Whew what a day...

Long before this day was spoken into existence, the Creator of this day knew we needed Him. As JH and I drove to the Hospital this morning (Eric left early for work and met us there) we sang songs. It only seemed fitting to sing a childhood favortie:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Say a little prayer

So I said before 2010 was not great, and 2011 is proving to be a little harder. But this morning I was reminded that God is bigger than all the worry I can muster, so I am placing all my worry in his hands.
A year of change...
In a nut shell I am gonna say that 2010 was bad year. There are SEVERAL reasons that come to mind, some worth sharing some not. The year started off my turning 30 which is a milestone that I don’t want to relive. I had big plans for 30, but confident I can still succeed. 30 was a hard year, it was hard for me, my marriage, my family, and those that know me. Throw in debt, deception, miscarriage, and lies of Satan the this year was no good.
All that to say that when God created me there was a reason I was to live in the year 2010 and He has some things He wanted me to learn. A LONG time ago a good friend told me that the finest metals go through the hottest fires, and this when is burning. I can say I have fallen more in love with my Maker this year than in years past, probably because I have had to rely on Him for everything! So in honor of 2010 (and I don't like to honor this year) I have come up with a top 10 things I have learned for 2010!
1) God's grace is extended to us through Him and through His people.
2) God places people in our life for a reason and for a season.
3) Authentic friendship is being real, transparent, and vulnerable.
4) The easy choice might be easy for a moment, but the harder choice will produce life and fruit
5) Being a parent is more than just calling yourself mom. Is is mimicking the role of our heavenly father.
6) My time is valuable, but my family is first. Sometimes in life we need to say NO to things that entice us, and YES to family first!
7) God loves me just the way I am, but He is always challenging me and changing me to be more like HIM.
8) This world is not my home, and it is my job to invite others into our heavenly home!
9) Life should be about community, so surround yourself with the people you love.
10) Cherish and treat your husband/ spouse the way you did when you dated, life might not be a bowl cherries, but at least you have another cherry to share it with!