Monday, January 17, 2011

It's good to look back

I think it is always good to look back and see where God has brought me in my life. Funny to think that one of those milestones is MLK day. It was 2 years ago this weekend that Eric moved into the rental house here in Indy and JH and I came up for a visit. I remember this day so well because we went to the Indy Zoo in the freezing cold for the FIRST time! It was a great memory that I love to cling to, you can read all about it here

I read through my blog from the entire month of January, JH seemed so small and so little. Oh how I cherish my moments with him. I remember being so tried during that time, Eric was here in Indy and I was single moming it and I was so tired. We have come so far in such a short time, but God has been faithful through the entire journey!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter Blues

So some days I feel like we are never gonna leave this house. I have felt like this for several days (although we have had a low key weekend and left the house several times). But after so many hours I feel like we need a change of pace or scenery. Or maybe it's just mommy that does.

Well this afternoon we were home and I was struggling to come up with some "new" things to do. We have played, crafted, imagianes, built, played football, rode scooter in basement, and all I wanted to do was just curl up and read a good book. Doesn't happen much with a 4 year old around. Well I was able to read the latest issue of family fun that came to my door yesterday. It has some SUPER CUTE valentines day stuff as well as some ways to cure the winter blues... So I tired it, and IT WORKED!

Golf anyone....
Seriously all I used was paper plates, straws, and post its. Splashed some color on there, and found some balls, and used a spatular as the "golf club"

Shuffleboard now...
I used painters tape and to make our "board" and used paper to write the score. We have a dry erase board which we are using to keep the socre... Tons of fun and JH wanted to play by himself for a while too, while he "practiced"

Then we moved on to family band... I promise Eric and I were lead singers, but we didn't get any pictures... just of our adorable drummer!

What are some things that you do with your kids in the winter to keep them from getting bored?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Be Patient, don't be in such a hurry!

So since it is my blog I feel like I can vent :) Funny how that works huh? I have been lacking patience lately. This is NOT just a once in a while thing it is ALL THE TIME, and WITH EVERYONE! Sure my 4 year old, my husband, my two crazy dogs, but i find myself impatient with the people at krogers, the stop light that won't turn green, and all in all DUMB people.

I can't remember if I shared this story with yall or not, but the before Christmas we were at Hobby Lobby and JH was being his impatient self, and I sweetly reminded him to "practice patience". And that bought me a little more time. Well Chick Fil A Happens to be in the hobby lobby parking lot (amazing I know) and so I went to drive through and get us a sandwich. Well the LINE was too long. SO i pulled out proclaiming we could eat nuggets at home. Quietly from the back seat I John Hunter says to me, "you should have practiced your patience Mom." Well played son, well played. The thing was he was right. I am struggling with patience.

So that being said, I am reading Francie Rivers Lineage of Grace (so good, put it on your must read list). Now I am in the chapters or Rahab, and this woman, despite her past is willing to risk everything and WAIT for the LORD to deliver her. And the whole time gave praise to God. Did she question, yes? Did she trust? Yes. But never did she become impatient, she just trusted that God had plan. Have you ever been, so impatient about something, and trying to take matters in to your own hand. Oh I have, friend. But let this be a sweet reminder that the God who placed each star in the sky or designed each snowflake that has fallen this year is the God who has a plan for your life. Trust Him, cling to Him. Dive into his word. I have been trying to do this more, but not as a matter of marking it off my list, but rather letting it be my food source. Taste and see that the LORD is good.

So today if you have become impatient in any area of your life, let this childhood song be a reminder that God is patient with you!

Be Patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient you only start to worry
Remember, remember that God is patient to.
So think of all the times when others have to wait on YOU!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let The Praises Ring

We are so blessed with some the test results that we have gotten so far. His heart is normal and we could not be more thrilled. We heard from the ENT and his sinus are COMPLETELY blocked and we are on meds and hoping we dont have to do sinus surgery! We go next week for his sweat study to rule out CF, and we are already praying over that, would you join us?

We know that God has a plan and we are thankful He has given us a healthy boy who loves and lives life to the fullest. We had a sweet reminder of that this weekend when we went to an ice skating party and he did it like a pro. Now he wants to play hockey... I was hoping for chess! Just kidding! He is so active and athletic it is hard to give him his breathing treatments, but we are getting along!

Again, thanks to everyone who prayed for our sweet boy and our family... we DEEPY APPRECIATE IT!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Whew what a day...

Long before this day was spoken into existence, the Creator of this day knew we needed Him. As JH and I drove to the Hospital this morning (Eric left early for work and met us there) we sang songs. It only seemed fitting to sing a childhood favortie:

This is the day, this is the day, that the LORD has made, That the LORD has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it!
This is the day that the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it....
This is the day, this is the day, that the LORD HAS MADE!

We knew walking into those doors that God had plan, not matter the outcome He was not changing. Our day started out at the lung doc where they did breathing test, exams, and what nots. She looked at the X-rays and confirmed there was stuff of JH lungs (not cancer) some some type of infection. His breathing was not where it needed to be for someone his age and size so they are treating that as asthmatic for now. We will be doing more test for CF as well as immune diseases, but for now we wait.

After leaving there we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed to the Heart Hospital. There JH had an echocardiogram. It lasted a REALLY long time, but he did great. A side note, when we told them they were gonna take pictures of the inside of his heart he said, "are they gonna see Jesus in there?" So sweet... We have yet to get the results back but were told they are gonna run them stat!

When we FINALLY got home after a grueling day, we got a call+ from the ENT who ordered the MRI/CT scan and he said that JH's sinus were completely blocked. His right side worse than this left and his nose was full for inflammation and infection. So we are going on strong meds for 3 weeks (we have already been on them for 3 weeks but he wants a six week dose) and then we will see about adenoid removal.

So in a nutshell we are waiting, praying, and resting at the feet of Jesus. It's a good hard place to be! And while I am here I will try and remain joyful. Bad things happen when you let the devil steal your joy!

Words cannot express how much we appreciate everyones prayers and concerns. The emails, facebook post, calls, and text, have completely overwhelmed us. And as soon as we know more we will pass on the information! Thanks again to everyone!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Say a little prayer

So I said before 2010 was not great, and 2011 is proving to be a little harder. But this morning I was reminded that God is bigger than all the worry I can muster, so I am placing all my worry in his hands.

As many of you know we have had SOOO much trouble with JH's ears. We had tubes put in last March and still have had lots of infections. Well I took him to the ENT before Christmas we did 3 weeks of meds and steroids. For his follow up visit and they wanted to do a chest xray and CT/MRI scan before we removed his adenoids so we did last Thursday!

On Tuesday as we were leaving school the ENT doctor called to say he got the chest xray back and there showed some abnormal spotting of JH's lungs and we needed to see a pulmenologist (lung doctor) ASAP, but first I needed a referral from my pediatrician. So after I collected myself I called the peds and waited. Then the ped called me back and said after looking at the xray she saw an enlarged heart and we needed to see a cardiologist. So after I digested all of that I started praying with my husband.

This morning we took JH in for an MRI/CT scan and he did fairly well, it was a little anxious, but did great. So tomorrow we could use your prayers. We are going to Riley Children's Hospital at 9:30 to meet with the Lung Doctor and then at 1 to Indiana Heart hospital to meet with a pediatric cardiologist and have an echo cardiogram! We are anxious, nervous, and overwhelmed, but we confident that god has plan! Our family is blessed to be covered by your prayers!

A year of change...

In a nut shell I am gonna say that 2010 was bad year. There are SEVERAL reasons that come to mind, some worth sharing some not. The year started off my turning 30 which is a milestone that I don’t want to relive. I had big plans for 30, but confident I can still succeed. 30 was a hard year, it was hard for me, my marriage, my family, and those that know me. Throw in debt, deception, miscarriage, and lies of Satan the this year was no good.

All that to say that when God created me there was a reason I was to live in the year 2010 and He has some things He wanted me to learn. A LONG time ago a good friend told me that the finest metals go through the hottest fires, and this when is burning. I can say I have fallen more in love with my Maker this year than in years past, probably because I have had to rely on Him for everything! So in honor of 2010 (and I don't like to honor this year) I have come up with a top 10 things I have learned for 2010!

1) God's grace is extended to us through Him and through His people.

2) God places people in our life for a reason and for a season.

3) Authentic friendship is being real, transparent, and vulnerable.

4) The easy choice might be easy for a moment, but the harder choice will produce life and fruit

5) Being a parent is more than just calling yourself mom. Is is mimicking the role of our heavenly father.

6) My time is valuable, but my family is first. Sometimes in life we need to say NO to things that entice us, and YES to family first!

7) God loves me just the way I am, but He is always challenging me and changing me to be more like HIM.

8) This world is not my home, and it is my job to invite others into our heavenly home!

9) Life should be about community, so surround yourself with the people you love.

10) Cherish and treat your husband/ spouse the way you did when you dated, life might not be a bowl cherries, but at least you have another cherry to share it with!

Christmas Day!

Let it be said that Christmas 2010 has to be one of the best ones in a VERY LONG TIME.... it is just what our family needed. I will post more on this later but I cannot wait for 2010 to be OVER! Anywhooo we had a great Christmas. My parents came up on Thursday and we had a great time with them. Mom and I took JH to see Santa Claus at the Santa House which was JUST ADORABLE. I have really cute pics but I cannot find my camera cord and i did not have my flash card with me. IT was sooo cute and a fun experience to share with my momma! Life is just so fun when they are here.

On Christmas eve we went sledding, played, went to church (where John Hunter was apart of the singing... PRECIOUS) and then had appetizers and our neighbors over. It was just delightful. After we FINALLY got JH to bed we started playing Santa. It was so fun and so cute! He got lots of fun stuff and life with a four year old makes life really exciting!

On Christmas morning, as i have for 30 years we had a birthday party for Jesus.We checked out what Santa brought then had our party:) it was AWESOME! He was so cute singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles! We opened presents and it was great. What a blessed day! After lunch of homemade Wild Rice Soup we took a nap and then went sledding again!

What I great day of celebration... and I was so sad when my parents had to go home... I hate when they leave, but great memories were made!