We sold our home in 31 days. We never thought it would happen! It did. We have to be out Sept 5. Here is this scripture I keep praying as we look at each home. Would u pray with us as we want to do what the Lord wants!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Back to School
We did, we bought all of the school supplies that John Hunter will need to go to Kindergarten in LESS THAN A MONTH! I love school supplies, it is by far my most favorite thing to buy! It makes me happy, theres a sense of newness, of clean paper, crisp crayons, and smooth glue. Everything about it I love.
That was until I started to purchace them for my sweet little boy! With every glue stick, eraser, and 3 pronged folder we placed in that red Target cart my heart was heavy. I prayed over each item, "oh God, be with him. Let me make wise choices, love him when he is lonely, send him a friend, and protect his sweet spirit, his mind, and his heart". I kid you not I almost lost it in the middle of the store.
But for the last five years we have been preparing for this day. Does that make it any eaiser? NO. But we are so proud of that little guy! He has grown into such a sweet boy. He is wild and crazy, he has his moments of attitude and disobedience, but at his core he is so frail. A people pleaser, he want to fit in, be invited, know that he is accepted, to make sure he is cool. Oh he is so competitive, we have no idea where he got that from :) But he wants to win, and along with winning he wants to be the best!
So my prayer for John Hunter as he goes off to Kindergarten is this...
That was until I started to purchace them for my sweet little boy! With every glue stick, eraser, and 3 pronged folder we placed in that red Target cart my heart was heavy. I prayed over each item, "oh God, be with him. Let me make wise choices, love him when he is lonely, send him a friend, and protect his sweet spirit, his mind, and his heart". I kid you not I almost lost it in the middle of the store.
But for the last five years we have been preparing for this day. Does that make it any eaiser? NO. But we are so proud of that little guy! He has grown into such a sweet boy. He is wild and crazy, he has his moments of attitude and disobedience, but at his core he is so frail. A people pleaser, he want to fit in, be invited, know that he is accepted, to make sure he is cool. Oh he is so competitive, we have no idea where he got that from :) But he wants to win, and along with winning he wants to be the best!
So my prayer for John Hunter as he goes off to Kindergarten is this...
God, please slow our paces and help us to enjoy the moments of this new adventure - school. Watch over John Hunter while he is away from us 5 days a week.
Guide his path right now into the classroom - designed by You - with the teachers and classmates that are a perfect fit.
Be with us, his parents, give us Godly wisdom that surpasses worldly information, suggestions, research, well meaning advice and even our best intentions......... You be in charge of his life and raise him up, Lord.
Protect his every step.
Help us not to get in the way, but to be your hands and feet and to love them like only You can.
Pick us up when we make mistakes and help us to learn from them.
Encourage and refresh us daily.
Praise be to You, alone, for our precious boy!
Kisses for Katie
It's no scert I love to read. I am not big "novel" reader. I haven't read the Twlight series, I probably wont read Hunger Games (cause I can watch the movie), and PLEASE do not even get me started on 50 Shades of Gray!!! But I do love to read! I bought 6 new books for summer and all but one I have read! The book I just read was called Kisses for Katie. Have you read it, oh you haven't YOU SHOULD! It is life changing! Not only did I read it, I shared parts of it with John Hunter. Such and humbling and teaching experience for our children who have no idea what it is like to be without!
I find it hard to raise a grateful child. We live in a world where kids expect to have lots of things. I know as parents we created part of this monster, but where do we draw the line? Honestly sometimes its easier just to buy the candy at the checkout because it keeps them quite. Please tell me you have been there? I try to go into a store or situtation with expectations of we are or are not getting something, but still I wear down easily!
This book is a TRUE story about a young girl who gave up everything to obey the heart of God. And althoug her life is not normal or expected her passion for the LORD overwhelmes me. It made me feel like what am I doing to make a difference here in the middle of Fishers, Indiana to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Am I loving the unlovable? Do I extend water to the thirsty? Am I loving or judging my neighbor? And as I go about my day am I being Jesus to my children so that we can cultivate a heart for Christ in their little lives?
So all that to say, go get the book? Read it, let it resonate, and pray that God will put a passion in your heart for something that you were born to do?
10 Months Old!
The picture above is what she does after EVERY bite of food. I cannot tell if she is just overly excited or just blown away that mashed fruits and veggies taste so good! But its funny and it cracks me up.
Eric will tell you that he was nervous to have little girl. He is a great dad to a boy. The toss the football, do cannonballs, rough house, wrestle, and all the things dads and boys shoud do. But this girl this was a WHOLE new ball game. To say Lynley is a daddy's girls would be a HUGE understatement! She loves her daddy a LOT! Last night we went to an outdoor concert with some good friends and I caught this picture. I just love it. This joy expresses our little princess to a tee!

It's Free!
Now who doesnt love Instagram and who doesnt love free... well I know I love both these things. So if you do check this out! (FYI... i does NOT have to be instagram photos)
I just order this for FREE (well $7 shipping) using PROMO CODE: SUMMERGRAMS! There stuff is amazing and I super pumped about my poster! It is adhesvie so you can stick on wall and peel off! GO check out there stuff and order something cute!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I did it... an idea on Pinterest!
So as many of you may know I have a slight obsession with Pinterest! I love it! I find so many things on there I want to do, need to do, and wish I could do.
I have been loving the above print for a while. SO last night I whipped it up! I sent it to Sams club today and cannot wait to get it into a frame tomorrow! If you want one send me (kjwhite1980@gmail.com) your dates and I will whip one up for you! I did chocolate and baby blue to match our Master Bedroom! I cannot wait to put in my room!
I have been loving the above print for a while. SO last night I whipped it up! I sent it to Sams club today and cannot wait to get it into a frame tomorrow! If you want one send me (kjwhite1980@gmail.com) your dates and I will whip one up for you! I did chocolate and baby blue to match our Master Bedroom! I cannot wait to put in my room!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Manna From Heaven
I remember vividly as a child Mrs. Webster teaching us the story of manna falling from heaven. I can see it now brown loaves of bread attached to a blue flannel graph all while wearing my whirlybirds for Jesus beanies! I always thought it was so strange that bread fell from heaven. Have you read the story of Manna and Quail from Heaven (Exodus 16). The Israelites were desperate food, and they pleaded with God. Well actually they complained! But God provided, He always does.
Today I felt like manna fell from Heaven. We were all headed to the pool and when we pulled in lightening struck and rain started to fall. It has been 34 days since we have seen rain. We are in a 10" deficit! We need rain. If you get caught watering there is a $500 fine. To say we are desperate is an understatement. Thank you Lord for the rain, if felt great against our face!
So what are you asking God for today? Hear our cries O Lord!
Today I felt like manna fell from Heaven. We were all headed to the pool and when we pulled in lightening struck and rain started to fall. It has been 34 days since we have seen rain. We are in a 10" deficit! We need rain. If you get caught watering there is a $500 fine. To say we are desperate is an understatement. Thank you Lord for the rain, if felt great against our face!
So what are you asking God for today? Hear our cries O Lord!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Today in the car John hunter and I had a conversation that went something like this.
JH- I used to be an only child
Me- yep I know. I am an only child!
JH- I know cause you don't have any siblings!
Me- yep, but I loved it!
JH- I loved being an only child too, but I love Lynley a lot more! She's great mom!
Priceless... I had to write this down so I could remind him of it one day in thr future!
JH- I used to be an only child
Me- yep I know. I am an only child!
JH- I know cause you don't have any siblings!
Me- yep, but I loved it!
JH- I loved being an only child too, but I love Lynley a lot more! She's great mom!
Priceless... I had to write this down so I could remind him of it one day in thr future!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Cow Appreciation Day
Friday at chick FIL a if u dressed like a cow you got free chicken! Well during Lynleys nap time I asked JH if that would be something he would like to do. He quickly jumped on board and I quickly grabbed some stained shirts and a black marker!
The kiddos dressed like cows and we all got some free chicken! It was a mommy date that we will not soon forget! So fun!
The kiddos dressed like cows and we all got some free chicken! It was a mommy date that we will not soon forget! So fun!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
A couple of weeks ago the children and I went home to Lexington. While we were there my dearest friend Whitney invited us to the country club to go to the pool! And of course we jumped on the chance to hang out with her and her kiddos! John Hunter had never been to that pool before and I knew before going in he was going to be thrilled with the fact that there was a REAL diving board. He has become quite the little swimmer this summer and I knew he was strong enough to swim, but I questioned was he brave enough to jump?
Without hesitation as soon as we walked in he spotted the diving board. His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas and he was thrilled. As soon as we applied sunscreen he went over and go in line. Before he climb up I looked at him and said, "are you scared?" He look backed at me as confidently as possible and said, "No mom, this is gonna be awesome. Just watch!" And with that my little 5 year old blonde haired boy went flying through the air. That was the first of about 5 million times he jumped that day.
Since that jump I couldn't shake how proud I was of him. I remember like it was yesterday being forced to jump off the high dive at the aquatic center at UK for swim lessons. I have never been more scared in my life. Fear overwhelmed my 6 year old body. But I did it. To this day I can feel that same fear creep into many facets of my life. I truly believe every single on of us struggles with some type of fear, whether it's a fear of jumping into water or being "found out'. Maybe you don't worry about dying, but you get sick thinking about the face that you might fail. So what is it that you fear now? Maybe it's simple, or maybe it is consuming your whole body.
A woman's faith in God is challenged by the first question Satan asks Eve in the Bible: "Did God really say you can't eat from any tree in the garden?" That seed of doubt and the story it begins to unfold breed a concept of fear still haunting each of us on some level every day- the idea that our actions could ruin something beautiful, and God might not have control of things. But friends let me assure you that God is in control. And because He is in control I do not need to be. My need for control comes when I feel that God is not. When I think He is not in control fear sets in. So here is the Scripture I hold on to. When My heart is overwhelmed lead to me to THE ROCK that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2. Does your heart ever get overwhelmed? Oh sweet sister mine does. Just today the tears flowed as I was convinced I was not good enough. That I would never fit it, wasn't like, or even important. As I taught my son its ok not to be invited to EVERYTHING when he so badly wanted to be included, my heart was overwhelmed. But I clung to the Rock of my salvation. The one who says, "your are kind, you are smart, and you are important" The one who split time, who walked on water, and defeated death. Thats who I cling to when fear sets it.
So today I challenge to go to the Rock when your heart is overwhelmed. Just like John Hunter did on that diving board don't hesitate. Just run and jump into the pool of God's goodness and love, and in the words of John Hunter, "This is gonna be awesome, Just watch!"
Without hesitation as soon as we walked in he spotted the diving board. His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas and he was thrilled. As soon as we applied sunscreen he went over and go in line. Before he climb up I looked at him and said, "are you scared?" He look backed at me as confidently as possible and said, "No mom, this is gonna be awesome. Just watch!" And with that my little 5 year old blonde haired boy went flying through the air. That was the first of about 5 million times he jumped that day.
Since that jump I couldn't shake how proud I was of him. I remember like it was yesterday being forced to jump off the high dive at the aquatic center at UK for swim lessons. I have never been more scared in my life. Fear overwhelmed my 6 year old body. But I did it. To this day I can feel that same fear creep into many facets of my life. I truly believe every single on of us struggles with some type of fear, whether it's a fear of jumping into water or being "found out'. Maybe you don't worry about dying, but you get sick thinking about the face that you might fail. So what is it that you fear now? Maybe it's simple, or maybe it is consuming your whole body.
A woman's faith in God is challenged by the first question Satan asks Eve in the Bible: "Did God really say you can't eat from any tree in the garden?" That seed of doubt and the story it begins to unfold breed a concept of fear still haunting each of us on some level every day- the idea that our actions could ruin something beautiful, and God might not have control of things. But friends let me assure you that God is in control. And because He is in control I do not need to be. My need for control comes when I feel that God is not. When I think He is not in control fear sets in. So here is the Scripture I hold on to. When My heart is overwhelmed lead to me to THE ROCK that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2. Does your heart ever get overwhelmed? Oh sweet sister mine does. Just today the tears flowed as I was convinced I was not good enough. That I would never fit it, wasn't like, or even important. As I taught my son its ok not to be invited to EVERYTHING when he so badly wanted to be included, my heart was overwhelmed. But I clung to the Rock of my salvation. The one who says, "your are kind, you are smart, and you are important" The one who split time, who walked on water, and defeated death. Thats who I cling to when fear sets it.
So today I challenge to go to the Rock when your heart is overwhelmed. Just like John Hunter did on that diving board don't hesitate. Just run and jump into the pool of God's goodness and love, and in the words of John Hunter, "This is gonna be awesome, Just watch!"
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
When we moved to Indiana there were lots of emotions that went with the move! Would this place ever feel like home? We Kentucky will always be home, but now we have a different kind of home. When we moved to the rental house we had great neighbors who became great friends. We were so sad to leave them when we moved to Avalon. But only by the grace of God we have amazing neighbors now.
Our neighbors are more than the people who we share a fence line with, or borrow brown sugar. These are the people we do life with. We see them everyday, we play, we listen, and we love. For example, today I needed to clean my bathroom, vaccum, and dust. It was only gonna take an hour or so, but one neighbor just came and took my kids so I could get it done.
Last night was the best. There are 3 families (The oliver's, the ruth's, and us) that are really close. The Olivers are Dan, Bri, and Tessa (age 3). The Ruth's are Tim, Katie, Macie (age 3, and Clara 11 months). Just about every day all the moms and kids meet on our driveway and ride bike, play, sidewalk chalk, run in the sprinkler, water balloon fight or whatever until all the dads come home. Yesterday we went out about 4 at 6:30 the dads were all home, and we ordered pizza, and finally at 10 everyone went it. It was picture perfect. It was so fun, and it was a great memory. You know its a good night when JH is running in shorts only through the sprinkler, and Macie, and Tessa only have on Princess Panties and all are soaking wet.
As i sat on the lawn and looked around at the children, conversations, and play that was going on I had a glimpse of heaven. And my heart exploded, instant gratitude overwhelmed my body, and I was so thankful for God's provision on my sweet families life by putting these families in our lives!
What are you grateful for today?
Our neighbors are more than the people who we share a fence line with, or borrow brown sugar. These are the people we do life with. We see them everyday, we play, we listen, and we love. For example, today I needed to clean my bathroom, vaccum, and dust. It was only gonna take an hour or so, but one neighbor just came and took my kids so I could get it done.
Last night was the best. There are 3 families (The oliver's, the ruth's, and us) that are really close. The Olivers are Dan, Bri, and Tessa (age 3). The Ruth's are Tim, Katie, Macie (age 3, and Clara 11 months). Just about every day all the moms and kids meet on our driveway and ride bike, play, sidewalk chalk, run in the sprinkler, water balloon fight or whatever until all the dads come home. Yesterday we went out about 4 at 6:30 the dads were all home, and we ordered pizza, and finally at 10 everyone went it. It was picture perfect. It was so fun, and it was a great memory. You know its a good night when JH is running in shorts only through the sprinkler, and Macie, and Tessa only have on Princess Panties and all are soaking wet.
As i sat on the lawn and looked around at the children, conversations, and play that was going on I had a glimpse of heaven. And my heart exploded, instant gratitude overwhelmed my body, and I was so thankful for God's provision on my sweet families life by putting these families in our lives!
What are you grateful for today?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
RIP Ralph Zenisek
Eric's grandfather passed away in late April. His memorial was in may! We had the honor to be apart of it. Eric and his sisters sang and I gave a eulogy. It was such a special time so I wanted to remember. Here is what I said to remember such a fine man.
What an honor it is to stand here today to celebrate the life of a great man. My name is Kendra White and I am the wife of Ralph's oldest grandson Eric
My first time here at the cabin a wonderful meal was prepared and we gathered around the table to eat. We joined hands, bowed our heads, and prayed. Then all of the sudden Pa broke out in song. I was shocked and looked around and everyone was singing a song I had never heard, but lyrics I will never forget. Never had I heard the song before so what did I do, what every good southerns momma taught her, just smile! Afterward I kindly explained to Eric a little warning that we were gonna sing would have been helpful. From that point on I gladly joined in with pa singing, oh the lords been good to me and so I thank the lord."
And that statement could not have been more true in ralphs life. When Eric and I were getting married I remember telling my mom that I was so blessed that not only did the lord bring Eric in my life but his family as well. Especially his grandparents. I was so excited to have grandparents again because mine had passed away. What an amazing job pa did of filling that role in my life as well as my husband!
Pa played an even greater role as great grandfather. What a legacy he has left behind with 6 grandchildren and 3 great grand children with 2 more on the way. Our oldest child john hunter has lifelong memories that will forever have pa in them. His most favorite pa memory is spending the last three summers at the cabin (without his parents) fishing with pa. He caught his first fish with pa, went on his first boat ride with pa, but he couldnt and wouldn't touch a worm with pa. Pa left a legacy about being an avid fisherman for our son. But left a greater legacy for all of us.
You see today we gather to celebrate our great fisherman. And our hearts grieve and that is ok. But today we have hope because our fisherman is with the one and only fishers of men. Ralph was obedient to the words of Jesus in mark 1:16 when he said, " come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Pa passed away on a Monday night and jh had already gone to bed. On Tuesday morning our son woke up elated with joy because it was his first baseball game ever. He was so excited but we needed to tell him about pa so before he went to preschool I had him crawl on my lap. I said buddy I have got to talk to you about what happened last night. Pa went to heaven. Today he is with Jesus. Those sparkling blue eyes looked at me and said mom, I am sure gonna miss pa, but mom I think he's fishing in heaven with Jesus right now. With tears streaming down my face I agreed with my sweet boy.
You cannot leave here today without the hope and truth of what pa would want you to know. Pa loved Jesus and Jesus loves you!!!
What an honor it is to stand here today to celebrate the life of a great man. My name is Kendra White and I am the wife of Ralph's oldest grandson Eric
My first time here at the cabin a wonderful meal was prepared and we gathered around the table to eat. We joined hands, bowed our heads, and prayed. Then all of the sudden Pa broke out in song. I was shocked and looked around and everyone was singing a song I had never heard, but lyrics I will never forget. Never had I heard the song before so what did I do, what every good southerns momma taught her, just smile! Afterward I kindly explained to Eric a little warning that we were gonna sing would have been helpful. From that point on I gladly joined in with pa singing, oh the lords been good to me and so I thank the lord."
And that statement could not have been more true in ralphs life. When Eric and I were getting married I remember telling my mom that I was so blessed that not only did the lord bring Eric in my life but his family as well. Especially his grandparents. I was so excited to have grandparents again because mine had passed away. What an amazing job pa did of filling that role in my life as well as my husband!
Pa played an even greater role as great grandfather. What a legacy he has left behind with 6 grandchildren and 3 great grand children with 2 more on the way. Our oldest child john hunter has lifelong memories that will forever have pa in them. His most favorite pa memory is spending the last three summers at the cabin (without his parents) fishing with pa. He caught his first fish with pa, went on his first boat ride with pa, but he couldnt and wouldn't touch a worm with pa. Pa left a legacy about being an avid fisherman for our son. But left a greater legacy for all of us.
You see today we gather to celebrate our great fisherman. And our hearts grieve and that is ok. But today we have hope because our fisherman is with the one and only fishers of men. Ralph was obedient to the words of Jesus in mark 1:16 when he said, " come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Pa passed away on a Monday night and jh had already gone to bed. On Tuesday morning our son woke up elated with joy because it was his first baseball game ever. He was so excited but we needed to tell him about pa so before he went to preschool I had him crawl on my lap. I said buddy I have got to talk to you about what happened last night. Pa went to heaven. Today he is with Jesus. Those sparkling blue eyes looked at me and said mom, I am sure gonna miss pa, but mom I think he's fishing in heaven with Jesus right now. With tears streaming down my face I agreed with my sweet boy.
You cannot leave here today without the hope and truth of what pa would want you to know. Pa loved Jesus and Jesus loves you!!!
Monday, July 9, 2012
A day at the track
When we were in Lexington last weekend we got to go to the training center where my uncle Melvin works. Horses are in JH blood! He loved each moment of it. He watched and listened to every word Melvin said. He fed the horses, gave them peppermints, watched them race, and even got to ride on one!!! It was a great day he will never forget!
I love the picture of everyone walking out of the barn!! A family favorite
I love the picture of everyone walking out of the barn!! A family favorite
It's been a while
Its been a while... I know! But life with 2 has just been so much fun and it is also they summer before my boy goes to Kindergarten and we are soaking up every minute with him! This is my vow to try and blog every day or even every other day! It is something I really want to do. I have an entire journal marked... BLOG POST! What in the world. But really I know one day I will look back and be glad I started back up!

We just got from a weekend in WI. Eric's grandfather passed away in April and we were up at the cabin in May, but we had the opportunity to go again. However this time Eric was not able to come. I was not up for a 9 hour drive by myself with 2 kids so my amazing parents came with me. We had a blast. At the cabin was Eric's grandmother (who lives there), Vicky, Sarah, Anna, and my niece Kyah! We had a great time of relaxing boating, fishing, and jet sking.... yes JH even Jet Skied with Uncle Jeff.
Both my babies are such water babies. They love the water. Instead of trying to relive the last 6 months I just gonna post some pics from this past weekend!

We just got from a weekend in WI. Eric's grandfather passed away in April and we were up at the cabin in May, but we had the opportunity to go again. However this time Eric was not able to come. I was not up for a 9 hour drive by myself with 2 kids so my amazing parents came with me. We had a blast. At the cabin was Eric's grandmother (who lives there), Vicky, Sarah, Anna, and my niece Kyah! We had a great time of relaxing boating, fishing, and jet sking.... yes JH even Jet Skied with Uncle Jeff.
Both my babies are such water babies. They love the water. Instead of trying to relive the last 6 months I just gonna post some pics from this past weekend!
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