I made some sugar free pudding with whole milk thinking that would be a great way to get some milk down the buddy... he is not really a huge fan. Well the only colors I could find were orange and green. So once the pudding was ready, I divided it into small bowls and colored it. He thought it was so cool... little did he know what I was about to do next.
I put him in his eat seat, with only a diaper. And plopped the pudding. To say the least... it was a HUGE HIT. He was covered, he ate a ton, and he laughed and laughed. I was in stitches.
The point of the painting was to get some stuff done, he was having so much fun I was so consumed with enjoying him... I GOT NOTHING DONE! Here are some photos of our future Van Gogh or maybe Emeril! At least we know he will not be GREEN forever!