Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's all about Pudding

So if you could have seen my to do list today, you would have laughed. I needed to get a lot done but sometimes that can be really hard to do with a teething toddler. So when he woke up from his nap I went to the store and mom kept him. My list kept getting longer... at least in my head. So what is a mom to do, but paint with pudding.

I made some sugar free pudding with whole milk thinking that would be a great way to get some milk down the buddy... he is not really a huge fan. Well the only colors I could find were orange and green. So once the pudding was ready, I divided it into small bowls and colored it. He thought it was so cool... little did he know what I was about to do next.

I put him in his eat seat, with only a diaper. And plopped the pudding. To say the least... it was a HUGE HIT. He was covered, he ate a ton, and he laughed and laughed. I was in stitches.
The point of the painting was to get some stuff done, he was having so much fun I was so consumed with enjoying him... I GOT NOTHING DONE! Here are some photos of our future Van Gogh or maybe Emeril! At least we know he will not be GREEN forever!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Birthday GiGi

Today is Gigi's birthday and we celebrated in style. This morning before John Hunter went to school we took Gigi to breakfast. He looked so cute... not in the outfit above (that was from Thanksgiving)! Gigi was so proud and showed him off.

Later this afternoon the three of us went shopping at Hobby Lobby, Target, and Joseph Beth. We had a big time, and John Hunter was a hoot. This evening we went to Regatta's for dinner and Dad and Eric met us there. She opened some fun presents and then we walked around the festival of trees. It was fun times.

My mom has always been there for me, and I can truly say I am so honored to call her mom. I would have not made it through the first year of motherhood without her. She is a godly women and had ALWAYS put her family first. Those 2 qualities make me want to be like her more and more every day. Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun

We had such a fun thanksgiving full of family and fun... oh and of course food. John Hunter has clearly enjoyed ALL of the attention from ALL the family here. He has had his photo taken SOOO many times and has become a true ham. Here is a photo of me and my sister in laws.. and then all of our family.
On Friday we went shopping... let me clarify, we stood in line, Vicky (my mother in law) and Anna (my sister in law) left for Toys R Us at 5:30 AM. We were in line at 6 and were still waiting in line at 7:45. However we did get some GOOD deals, but I am not sure if it was worth it. Beside that, after 30 min i sent them to Target, but they could not even get out of the parking lot. So by the time I got checked out... they had only moved 50 feet. From there we went to the mall which was MUCH better and we still got some great deal.

Later that after noon we got the tree put up so we are officially decorated. We watched movies, played games, and had fun. Today we did some more shopping and went to church. Eric and his dad have gone to the UK Basketball game, and Vicky and I went to dinner with John Hunter and then watched ELF and wrapped gifts.

Tomorrow we will be resting.... and I mean TRULY resting. Monday is Gigi's birthday so I am sure we will have big fun then.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Watch Out Martha

Today was a fun day. I took John Hunter to school and went to Walmart for the 3rd time in 15 hours... but I think all the shopping is done and to be honest, if it is not... so what! Oh with Walmart I had to go to Krogers to get lunch meat because Eric only likes the meat at Krogers but the cheese at Walmart.

I got all my outdoor lights done, that is because it is 70 in November. But at least it is done and I do have to say I love it.

John Hunter and I went to the Dr. and he got his flu shot. He hated every moment of it! He came home and took a good nap which is just what mommy wanted.

Now the fun part.... My Grande Auntie and I have been waiting to do this project since we found it over a month ago. So here it is.... a Thanksgiving cornucopia made out of bread sticks. You can see the progression of it. Tomorrow we are going to fill it with fruit, nuts and leaves. Martha's got nothing on me.

Also, for all you moms out there... I found some AMAZING Christmas card crafts to do with the little ones in the Family Fun Magazine... check them out!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Its the most Wonderful time....

We have been busy this week getting things ready for our company. We are so excited about Thanksgiving. Eric's parents are coming in from MN and his sister Sarah from CO, and his sister Anna and her husband from MO. Then at my parents house my Aunt B and Uncle Richard are coming from the beach and Uncle Alan and Aunt Pat from Maryland will be here. We love a full house.

So all week I have been organizing and getting ready. Really what that means is I have been decorating for Christmas. Now let me just say I am not really one to do this early, but with all these people coming I thought I would just rather go ahead and get it done. We are all decorated except the tree. I think we will do that with Eric's family, unless I just decided to go ahead a get it ALL done.

John Hunter is loving the decorations. He is especially found of ANYTHING that sings or plays music and ALL snowmen.

However tonight at Wal Mart I got him the Little People Nativity set and I really think he will enjoy that. He loves mine and thinks that all the animals are Tye. As you can see he REALLY loves Tye.

As far as the rest of this weekend we are just laying pretty low. Cleaning, preparing, and getting excited. Everyone arrives on Tuesday, and John Hunter is getting his second flu shot that day. Hope you enjoy the photos.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

All Boy

We have had a great couple of days. With the exception of the last hour. John Hunter and daddy were playing in the bedroom while mommy was on the phone with one her jr. high girls, talking about why boys are so stupid. I heard a loud scream and then it was followed by LOTS of crying!!! When I ran into the room here is what I found.My poor baby with the bad eye. As you can see he was laughing before he went to bed . He will for sure have a good shiner in the morning. Good thing I already laid out his clothes and he is wearing his football outfit.

Other than the eye, we have had a pretty fun day! We have just played! Last night we went to some friends house for Eric to help fix there TV and John Hunter played so well with the twins and Hayden. They had a big time. Walking around with the cars and playing. The girls watched Ratatoee (sp?) and pretended they were fixing food for the boys.

Here are a few shots of JOhn Hunter in the cold weather. He loves HATS and even more his scarf. Why a 1 year old would love a scarf can only be anwsered by the statement... HE IS HIS MOTHER'S CHILD!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

All in one day!!!

This morning was a little rougher than usual. Eric heard John Hunter crying around 4 AM this morning and laid with him in the guest bedroom. But around 6:15 John Hunter was wide awake and ready for the day, so Eric brought him to me. After about 15 min. I realized he was in no mood to sleep, he just wanted to play. So I agreed.

It is amazing to me how much to can do before 8:30 AM. I got all the laundry done, beds made, dish washer unloaded, dinner prepared, got ready for work, made breakfast (consisting of cheese eggs, toast, and yougart) which may not sound like much but that is WAY more than a normal week day breakfast.

I am not sure if i was able to get it all done because I was so motivative to get it all done before work, or if because John Hunter found a new love. The cabinet drawers... and all they contain! He thought he was a hoot.

After work we finished the Christmas card I did for some friends... I really think it is cute, now I am ready to do ours! Then we went to vote!!! He was way too cute when he pushed the green button. I wanted to take photos but they would not let me! Oh well!

The buddy went to bed a little bit ago and I FINISHED the ironing (if you know me that means all 38 shirts are DONE... well minus the one Eric is still wearing)!! So I am off to bed myself!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Weekend Fun

We had a great weekend. Eric got home Friday afternoon and we just had dinner and just played around the house.

Saturday John Hunter and I went to baby shower for our friend Meg who is having a little girl. It was fun to see friends and John Hunter was wore out because when we got home he slept for 3 hours. We went to church and did everything we could to keep him up for an extra hour to help off set the time change. It somewhat worked. He slept his regular 12.5 hours, but he was still up asy 6:41 AM so mommy was REALLY ready for a morning nap. The time change was kinda hard for him And it must have been hard to mommy and daddy too... because we were in bed and asleep last night at 7:40.

BUT THE BIGGEST NEWS: John Hunter took his first steps yesterday. It was a big day all around because Adrian Peterson from the Vikings (daddy's team) broke the rushing yard record, and at the same time... first steps were taken. We have done it a couple more times... but we are still a little hesitatnt.

Today he went to school and they told me he was the class clown. I don't know if that is good or not. Today for dinner he had a pb and j sandwich and he loved it. He has had pb sandwiches before, but Tye usually gets some... add some jelly and poor Tye felt left out.
Check out this little video.... Sorry it is to the side. Not sure how to change it...