I tagged myself from Sarah to do this husband post and thought I would save it for his special day! Today is Eric's 29th birthday- yes, you did the math right- I am 9 days older than him. (He will never let me live it down when I reach 30!) He is amazing and I am so proud to be called his wife. Happy Birthday, Hubby!
1. Where we met - Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs. I will never forget he had on a red and blue striped polo shirt. We were playing one of those ice breaker games and he was taking charge. And I looked at my roommate at the time and said, "who does he think he is telling me what to do?"
2. Our First Date - Well dating was hard.. he actually dated someone else while we were in Colorado. But he knew were I stood. His favorite story to tell was on 4th of July service at New Life. We were all holding hands for prayer. Me on one side, his girlfriend on the other.... and for some reason I did not want to let go! So I didnt!
3. How long did we date before we were married? - 2
4. How long have we been Hitched? - We will celebrate our 5 year anniversary on the 20th of this month!
5. Favorite Feature - his strong arms, blue eyes, and long eye lashes!
6. Favorite Quality - Eric has taught me alot about myself. He can remain steady with everything else seems nuts. He desires to follow God in everything he does. He is an awesome father and falls deeper in love with our son every day!
7. His nickname for me -KJ
8. His Favorite Color - Blue/ Black!
9. His Favorite Sport - Football... enough said! Praise the Lord we are on a football break!
10. Who Said I Love You first - Eric came to visit me for the first time at the end of one Summer. I had to take him back to the CVG airport and as I dropped him off I told him I loved him!
11. Our First Kiss when and where - In Colorado... we came back for a reunion and I was so excited to see him. We kissed on the mountains!
12. Favorite couple thing to do - We love to watch movies, hang out, travel, and hang out with other people! We love to entertain, have parties, and relax!
13. His Hidden Talent - Eric is smart about a lot of things... he is awesome with computers, anything techie... he does MOST of our cooking and is really good at it! He knows how to sew, he thinks he can dance, and he claims he is a great "hairstylist"
14. His Favorite Music - Well as we speak he is downlaoding Dave Matthews onto his iphone. He loves Dave, all things acoustic, John Mayer, he absolutly HATES Rascal Flatts, and he has a hidden talent for picking the winner of American Idol... we are are year #4 of picking the winner during audition week!
15. What I admire most about him - He loves me even when I am unlovable, he always does what is best for me and John Hunter, he loves my family (and I love his), Doing what is in God's will is the driving force for every decision he makes!!! Even when it is not easy!
16. His favorite pastimes - Watching sports, playing guitar, sking, anything realated to the water, working in the yard, Xbox360, and having people over for a good olde fashing BBQ
17. Will he read this? - Yes, because he is sitting right next to me in the Orlando Airport as we fly to NYC!!!
I love you baby... Happy Birthday!
happy birthday, eric!!! :) hope you all are having a great 2nd trip~ can't wait to hear all about disney!
Happy belated birthdays, Eric and Kendra!! I am catching up on reading blogs today...sounds like you are having a great time at Disney!
--Kelli Owens
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