Our flight was canceled out of Newark Yesterday due to high winds. Several of the men who Eric was in meetings with were from Buffalo. Instead of waiting for their flight to trying to catch a later flight they decided to rent a car and drive home. The could have been on the flight that went down from Newark to Buffalo. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those families! All that to say I dont think we will EVER fly out of Newark again... it was a nightmare... with the exception that I got to see Hoda from the Today Show today.... what a classy lady!
Anyway, all that to say our time in New York was amazing. There was much rest and relaxation. I read an amazing book called Virtuous Women, spent a LOT of time in the WORD and feel that I came home with a renewed heart and focus! It was just what I needed. Not to mention the hustle and bustle of the city! I went into the city by myself, got the amtrack, took the train, got off at 32 &7 and walked to Central Park at 60 & 5. Did a lot of window shopping, picture taking, and praying. The song "God of this City" was following me everywhere I went.
When the clock struck 2 I found myself on the 8th floor of Sax (5th Ave.) That place is amazing. IN case you didnt know it has it own zip code! We had a delicious birthday lunch and a wonderful dessert to top it off.
hursday Eric had his big presention which i hear went really well. I kept checking the flight and it kept getting further and further delayed! So we finally changed our flight which was a good think because while Eric was on the line with the airlines our flight was canceled. So what were two people to do... head back to the Big Apple! I think Eric was really impressed that I knew what trains to catch, how to get around, and where the heck I was going. We walked around that Promanade, went back to Rockefeller Center, went shopping on Canal street (got some awesome purfume), and had a great surprise from Brandi Jane who was able to swing by for one more hug... i love that girl!
On our way back to the Train station we walked through Times Square and ate dinner at ESPN Zone... it was kinda fun because we ate their together in Denver, and lets be honest... our house is alwas ESPN ZOne! We had a great view of the city and took one last stop at Magonila Bakery for cupcakes....
Today we made it home safe and sound and as I type Eric sound asleep and so is John Hunter.... so all in all... Life is Good! And we are blessed!!!!
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