There is just something about Monday's. I usually don't mind Mondays and since the Bachloar has started I somewhat love them. But today was a little hard... I did not go to sleep last night until 4 and the alarm went off at 7. And I just can't seem to get it all together.
I have about 15 lists going at the same time, and none are getting marked off.. oh wait, I just paid my car insurance. Now if I could get my drivers license, renew BOTH car tags, and bake a cake for a friend.:)
So when I went to pick up JH from school today we have a beautiful tag on our bag that says SCHOOL SNACK TOMORROW! Now that just energizes me. I love it! So I came home to get started.... hummm what is a girl to do! Everything I came up with was full of processed sugar and I am trying so hard to keep that away from the fam. SOOOOO... Butterfly Bags it is!
Here is the "recipe" if you want to give it a try!

1 oz. KRAFT Cheddar Cheese, cut into bite-sized pieces
1/4 cup whole strawberries, stems removed, quartered
1/4 cup seedless red or green grapes, cut in half
Make It
PLACE cheese in 1 side of resealable sandwich-size plastic bag; loosely tie pie cleaner or twist tie around middle of bag. Place fruit in other end of bag; seal bag, then twist pipe cleaner tightly to separate cheese from the fruit.
CURL ends of pipe cleaner to resemble antennae of a butterfly.
REFRIGERATE until ready to serve. Untwist pipe cleaner, leaving bag sealed. Gently shake bag to mix fruit and cheese. Open bag and enjoy!
Kendra, that is TOOO cute!! Love it!!
love the snack!! and by the time i got there you seemed on the ball! :) we are so glad you are home.
Those are adorable and I love that they're healthy since my child is in your child's class! But, you're as crazy as ever b/c I HATE SNACK DAY!! And I think most of the other mothers in the world feel the same way. :)
That is adorable my friend!
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