Gigi and Grand Dad are sad today, because our "liittle girl" will no longer be living just "down the street" or around the corner. After 29 years, Kendra finally moves to Indy today. Her and John Hunter [and Deac..the dog] pack up the car and off they go....It's a sad day in the Blue Grass....We love you honey...and know that God has you and your family in his arms, and will take care of all of us....
We arrived at Valleyview Drive and unloaded the dog and then went to some open houses in the area. Can I just say we found found a house we LOVE... oh I pray it is still on the market when we are ready to buy (which will be after we sell ours of course). But we do love it... here is a picture of it from the internet....

Oh well... we will see. Today John Hunter and I went to Sam's club (yep it is about 3 min. from our house) and then to Wal-Mart. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but this is the first Wal-Mart I found so I was thrilled.... so thrilled!
We came home and cleaned, and i mean we cleaned. I got everything unpacked and organized downstairs, and then I cloroxed the whole downstairs... it felt so good. I even cooked dinner, something I haven't done for a LONG time. But it was fun. When Eric got home he took JH to the park and I had some alone time to get dinner ready it was really nice.
After dinner we went on a drive, and I found some other fun places I would like to explore:) Day 1 down, we will see what day 2 holds... please keep the prayers coming, I am confident that is the reason for the peace~
I think you are doing it right Kendra, I know how hard a move is especially when you are trying not to fall apart in front of the mister! Exploring our new surroundings and finding all of the new stuff we can do has always been a fun way for us to adjust. I'll be praying, have fun!
So proud of you friend. One of the hardest things about moving is the packing up the car or boarding the plane. You are on your way to a new adventure, and it sounds like so much fun. You have an amazing attitude and I love ya.
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