We went to the Cabin in Long Lake, WI to celebrate Ta's 80th birthday! It was great time that was had by all. The day started out with boating, fishing, sunbathing, etc. It was a blast and JH is in love with the cabin... however I have no idea why he wouldn't it... it is a blessed place.
All of Eric's extended family came and it was great to see them, interact with them, and celebrate the life of Ta with them. Here is the note that Eric and I wrote for Ta's memory book:
A legacy is something that is carried down from generation to generation. What a legacy you have given us. 80 years of vibrate life, full of joy, love, and family. Being the first and oldest grandchild left for LOTS of spoiling, kisses, hugs, walks, and memories, like the time Andy and I came down for a visit. The cabin will be forever etched in my mind and heart as a place of peace, family, and you. It was a place I could always come and you were always there with open arms. Thank you for building a home on the lake where we could come and explore, bring friends, ski, play cards, and be a family.
Now at almost 30 I am a father and husband. It brings me great joy that you love my wife and son the way you have loved me. Kendra holds a special place in her heart for you. Our marriage brought her a grandmother which was something that she was missing after hers had passed. You stepped right in and loved on her, encouraged her, laughed with her, and considered her one of your own grandkids.
I remember being so excited to call and tell you that Kendra and I were expecting, your first great-grandchild. He loves you so much Ta. He talks about playing ball with you, walking Tuffy boy, and of course saying BINGO!!!
Thank you for loving me, it has been a true joy to call you “Ta”. Today we celebrate your life, 80 years of living. Happy Birthday!
A great time was had by all... as you can tell!

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