Thursday, January 3, 2013

Our First Trip to the ER

On Thursday Lynley had her very first trip to the ER. We were at home eating lunch and daddy joined us. We went upstairs to change her diaper and I did it on my bed like a always do. She and daddy were playing "tickle tickle" and the laughter was contagious!

I went in the bathroom to throw the diaper away leaving father and daughter to a moment of fun. I turned my back and then I heard screaming. Lots of screaming. Apparently she had rolled farther than she thought and rolled right off our king sized bed! She landed on all fours much like a cat. I picked her up and comforted her for a bit and she seemed fine. I took her downstairs to give her the bottle she needed before naptime. When I set her down, she fell to the ground and cried in pain!

Poor girl would not walk. I gave her some motrin hoping that would help before bed. When she woke up 2 hours later she still would not walk or put pressure on her leg. I called the doctor who told me to take her to the ER, so off we went.

Eric was back at work and John Hunter was playing with Solomon next door. The Arterburn's graciously kept JH for us for the next several hours while we had her leg checked out. They examined her and did a few xrays. As far as they could tell there was no fracture, but it did appear to be a high ankle sprain! She was in so much pain poor princess!

They suggested keeping it elevated and her not walking on it for 24-48 hours (apparently they do not have a one year old). But we came home and had some dinner. She played a little and then went right to bed. We are praying for a good nights sleep and a quick recovery! She made it longer than her brother who went to the ER at 5 months... but this will be a good story about no more monkeys (and daddy's) playing on the bed!

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