Well this White House had a wonderful weekend recovery from the sickness that hovered over our house. Friday we had some friends over to play and had a blast... didnt get any shots though. So sad.
On Friday night Gigi, John Hunter and I went to the mall. We got exactly what we needed (black dress shoes for little man) but we also go a great treat. We saw Santa and Snowman (frosty) Santa must have been hungry because we met him in Sears as we was walking from the "North Pole" to the food court. It was a huge blessing because JH did not scream. He did however turn red and freeze. He waved and even gave the man in the big red suit a high five. Then on our way to the car Frosty was dancing around the middle of the mall. Now this was a little more scary because he was more of a "mascot" character. We waved, but no handshakes. However we are still talking about the experience today.
Saturday Angie and I did the Lone Oak Craft Fair... it was really cold, and it went well, but I was glad to get home to my boys. Sunday we went to church. And during Church we let JH set with us during the music. He is so facinated with it that when we got home he and daddy played guitar.

Today I got the last of my Christmas presents for John Hunter... yeah to be done with him. Now just a few more and I am DONE!!! I have to throw this pic in because I think John Hunter looks so cute. But also because if I never see a turkey shirt again it won't be soon enough. This applique is a true labor of love. And John Hunter will wear this shirt proudly (and again next year because I made it be so he could wear it 2 years in a row).

We are gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas... but always in the back of my mind is the move. I think the more I push it out of my thoughts the more it won't happen. But I guess that is not the case. I am excited but scared at the same time.... please continue to keep our family in your prayers during this transition. We appreciate it!
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